In Hellenistic Astronomy: The Science in Its Contexts, new essays by renowned scholars address questions about what the ancient science of the heavens was in the ancient Near East and Mediterranean worlds, and the numerous contexts in which it was pursued. Together, these essays will enable readers not only to understand the technical accomplishments of this ancient science but also to appreciate their historical significance by locating the questions, challenges, and issues inspiring them in their political, medical, philosophical, literary, and religious contexts.
Winner of the 2020 Choice Outstanding Academic Title Award
List of Illustrations and Tables
List of Abbreviations
0 Prolegomena to the Study of Hellenistic Astronomy
Alan C. Bowen and Francesca Rochberg
Part A Technical Requirements
1 The Celestial Sphere
Clemency Montelle
2 Methods of Reckoning Time
Robert Hannah
Chapter 3 Quantitative Tools
3.1 Techniques of Measurement and Computation
Mathieu Ossendrijver
3.2 Planar and Spherical Trigonometry
Glen Van Brummelen
Chapter 4 Theory of the Sun, Moon, and Planets
4.1 Fundamentals of Planetary Theory
Nathan Sidoli
4.2 Hypothesis in Greco-Roman Astronomy
Alan C. Bowen
4.3 Some Early Hypotheses in Greco-Roman Astronomy
Alan C. Bowen
4.4 The Ptolemaic Planetary Hypotheses
James C. Evans
4.5 The Hellenistic Theory of Eclipses
Clemency Montelle
4.6 Hellenistic Babylonian Planetary Theory
Mathieu Ossendrijver
4.7 The Babylonian Contribution to Greco-Roman Astronomy
Francesca Rochberg
4.8 Hellenistic Egyptian Planetary Theory
Micah T. Ross
Part B Observations, Instruments, and Issues
Chapter 5 Observational Foundations
5.1 The Observational Foundations of Babylonian Astronomy
Lis Brack-Bernsen
5.2 Experience and Observation in Hellenistic Astronomy
Richard L. Kremer
Chapter 6 Astronomical Instruments
6.1 Hellenistic Surveying Instruments
Tracey E. Rihll
6.2 Hellenistic Maps and Lists of Places
Klaus Geus
6.3 Star-Lists from the Babylonians to Ptolemy
Gerd Grasshoff
6.4 Ptolemy's Instruments
Dennis W. Duke
Chapter 7 Thematic Questions
7.1 Issues in Hellenistic Egyptian Astronomical Writings
Anthony Spalinger
7.2 The Texts and Aims of Babylonian Astronomy
Hermann Hunger
7.3 Issues in Greco-Roman Astronomy of the Hellenistic Period
Alan C. Bowen
Part C Contexts
8 The Professional
Wolfgang Hubner
Chapter 9 Hellenistic Astronomy in Public Service
9.1 The Sundial and the Calendar
Robert Hannah
9.2 The Antikythera Mechanism
James C. Evans
9.3 Hellenistic Astronomy in Medicine
Dorian Gieseler Greenbaum
Chapter 10 Hellenistic Astronomy in Literature
10.1 Aratus and the Popularization of Hellenistic Astronomy
Stamatina Mastorakou
10.2 The Authority of the Roman Heavens
Alfred Schmid
Chapter 11 Hellenistic Astronomy in the Training and Work of Priests
11.1 Hellenistic Astronomy and the Egyptian Priest
Alexandra von Lieven
11.2 Hellenistic Astronomy and the Babylonian Scribal Families
Mathieu Ossendrijver
Chapter 12 Astral Divination and Natal Astrology
12.1 The Hellenistic Horoscope
Dorian Gieseler Greenbaum
12.2 Hellenistic Babylonian Astral Divination and Nativities
Francesca Rochberg
12.3 Hellenistic Horoscopes in Greek and Latin: Contexts and Uses
Stephan Heilen
12.4 Demotic Horoscopes
Micah T. Ross
Chapter 13 Theological Contexts
13.1 Hellenistic Astronomy in Early Judaic Writings
James C. VanderKam
13.2 Astral Divination in the Dead Sea Scrolls
Helen R. Jacobus
13.3 Hellenistic Astronomy in Early Christianities
Nicola Denzey Lewis
13.4 Cosmology in Mandaean Texts
Siam Bhayro
13.5 Astral Discourse in the Philosophical Hermetica (Corpus Hermeticum)
Christian Wildberg
Chapter 14 Hellenistic Astronomy in the Philosophical Schools
14.1 Astronomy and Divination in Stoic Philosophy
Giuseppe Cambiano
14.2 Plotinus on the Motion of the Stars
James Wilberding
Historical Glossary of Important Terms in Hellenistic Astronomy
Index of Passages
Index of Names
Index of Subjects
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