Bringing together leading scholars from across a diverse range of disciplines, this unique book examines a key question: How can we best conserve marine living resources in the Polar regions, where climate change effects and human activities are particularly pressing?
Part one of this timely book focuses on Antarctica, centring on the evolving work of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources in managing the marine living resources of the Southern Ocean. Part two explores the multi-level governance regime in the Arctic, analysing the central Arctic Ocean fisheries agreement, the role of the Arctic Council and law and governance in Arctic states. Finally, part three considers some of the new challenges and opportunities, including new technology, bioprospecting and dispute settlement.
Providing a comprehensive assessment of the governance regimes of marine living resources in the Polar regions, this book will be of great interest to academics, NGOs, international organizations and government officials, whilst also being a key resource for practitioners working in the fisheries industries.
List of contributors vii
Foreword by Klaus Dodds xiii
Foreword by Karen N. Scott xviii
Acknowledgement xxi
1 Introduction 1
Nengye Liu, Cassandra M. Brooks and Tianbao Qin
2 The principles of the Convention on the Conservation of
Antarctic Marine Living Resources: why its Commission is not
a Regional Fisheries Management Organisation 9
Anthony J. Press, Indi Hodgson-Johnston and
Andrew J. Constable
3 Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living
Resources (CCAMLR): implementation of conservation of
Southern Ocean marine living resources 30
Keith Reid
4 Geopolitical complexity at the bottom of the world:
CCAMLR's ongoing challenge of adopting marine protected
areas 43
Cassandra M. Brooks
5 Inclusive and evidence-based decision-making in CCAMLR:
a basis for ensuring compliance? 66
Nils Vanstappen
6 Governance of fisheries in the Central Arctic Ocean:
cooperative currents, foggy future 92
David L. VanderZwaag
7 Russia and Arctic fisheries 109
Alexander Sergunin
8 Governing access rights to harvesting marine living resources:
the case of the Svalbard Archipelago 138
Sandra Cassotta and Rachel Tiller
9 Frozen robots: autonomous underwater vehicles and
unmanned aerial vehicles in the Antarctic: a new tool or a new
challenge for sustainable ocean governance? 158
David Leary
10 Bioprospecting in Antarctica: obligations and challenges 177
Ana Fl.via Barros-Platiau, Carina Costa de Oliveira,
Gabriela G.B. Lima Moraes and Pierre Mazzega
11 The settlement of disputes concerning conservation of fish
stocks in the Arctic and Antarctic high seas: towards
comprehensive compulsory jurisdiction? 196
Valentin J. Schatz
12 The future of governing marine living resources in the
Polar Regions 222
Nengye Liu and Cassandra M. Brooks
Index 229
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