Military-civilian encounters are multiple and diverse in our times. Contributors to this volume demonstrate how military and civilian domains are constituted through entanglements undermining the classic civil-military binary and manifest themselves in unexpected places and manners. Moreover, the essays trace out the ripples, reverberations and resonations of civil-military entanglements in areas not usually associated with such ties, but which are nevertheless real and significant for an understanding of the roles war, violence and the military play in shaping contemporary societies and the everyday life of its citizens.
Introduction: Rethinking Civil-Military Connections: From Relations to Entanglements
Birgitte Refslund Sorensen and Eyal Ben-Ari
Chapter 1. The Invisible Uniform: Civil-Military Entanglements in the Everyday Life of Danish Soldiers' Families
Birgitte Refslund Sorensen and Maj Hedegaard Heiselberg
Chapter 2. Capable Patriots: Narratives of Estonian Women Living with Military Service Members
Tiia-Triin Truusa and Kairi Kasearu
Chapter 3. Military, Society, and Violence through Popular Culture: Japan's Self-Defense Forces
Eyal Ben-Ari
Chapter 4. From Obligatory to Optional: Thirty Years of Civil-Military Entanglements in Norway
Elin Gustavsen and Torunn Laugen Haaland
Chapter 5. Framing the Other in Times of War and Terror: Explorations of the Military in Germany
Maren Tomforde
Chapter 6. Domesticating Civil-Military Entanglement: Multiplicity and Transnationality of Retired British Gurkhas' Citizenship Negotiation
Taeko Uesugi
Chapter 7. Civil-Military Relations from International Conflict Zones to the United States: Notes on Mutual Discontents and Disruptive Logics
Robert A. Rubinstein and Corri Zoli
Chapter 8. The Entangled Soldier: On the Messiness of War/Law/Morality
Thomas Randrup Pedersen
Chapter 9. Mobility through Self-Defined Expertise: Israeli Security from the Occupation to Kenya
Erella Grassiani
Chapter 10. Explaining Efficiency, Seeking Recognition: Experiences of Argentine Peacekeepers in Haiti
Sabina Frederic
Chapter 11. Crossing over Barbed-Wire Entanglements of U.S. Military Bases: On Environmental Issues around MCAS Futenma in Okinawa, Japan
Masakazu Tanaka
Chapter 12. The Entanglements of Military Research at Home and Abroad: An Experience of an Israeli Anthropologist
Nir Gazit
Afterword: Three Interpretations of Civil-Military Entanglements
Birgitte Refslund Sorensen and Eyal Ben-Ari
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