*A bestseller since 2002 (over 40,000 in print), thoroughly revised with 50% new material.
*This seminal work was one of the first to integrate mindfulness into psychotherapy.
*The second edition features advances in MBCT techniques and findings from numerous clinical trials.
*Outstanding utility: purchasers get access to downloadable audio recordings of guided meditations (with permission to give to clients), and more than 40 downloadable forms.
*From the top clinician-researcher team who also coauthored the bestselling trade book The Mindful Way through Depression.
I. The Challenge of Depression
1. Depression Casts a Long Shadow
2. Why Do People Who Have Recovered from Depression Relapse?
3. Developing Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy
II. Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy
4. Doing and Being
5. The Eight-Session Program: How and Why
6. The Preclass Participant Interview
7. Awareness and Automatic Pilot: Session 1
8. Kindness and Self-Compassion in Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy
9. Living in Our Heads: Session 2
10. Gathering the Scattered Mind: Session 3
11. Recognizing Aversion: Session 4
12. Inquiring into Practice and Practicing Inquiry
13. Allowing/Letting Be: Session 5
14. Thoughts Are Not Facts: Session 6
15. A Day of Mindful Practice
16. How Can I Best Take Care of Myself?: Session 7
17. Maintaining and Extending New Learning: Session 8
18. Reprise: The 3-Minute Breathing Space as the Spine of the Program
III. Evaluation and Dissemination
19. Does Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy Work?
20. How Does Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy Achieve Its Effects?
21. Moving the Program Off the Page and into the Clinic: Supports for Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy Instructors and Their Patients
Audio Downloads
1. Welcome and Introduction (0:30)
2. Raisin Exercise (9:13)
3. Body Scan (37:47)
4. 10-Minute Sitting Meditation--Mindfulness of the Breath (11:20)
5. Mindful Movement--Formal Practice (38:25)
6. Stretch and Breath Meditation (40:41)
7. Mindful Walking (32:24)
8. 3-Minute Breathing Space--Regular Version (4:08)
9. 3-Minute Breathing Space--Responsive Version (4:58)
10. 20-Minute Sitting Meditation (20:32)
11. Sitting Meditation (36:46)
12. Working with Difficulty Meditation (24:08)
13. Bells at 5 Minutes, 10 Minutes, 15 Minutes, and 30 Minutes (30:32)
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