Both law and economics and intellectual property law have expanded dramatically in tandem over recent decades. This field-defining two-volume Handbook, featuring the leading legal, empirical, and law and economics scholars studying intellectual property rights, provides wide-ranging and in-depth analysis both of the economic theory underpinning intellectual property law, and the use of analytical methods to study it.
Volume 1 explores the the role that economic incentives play in promoting innovation and creativity. It also examines the analogy between intellectual property and tangible property, the economics of intellectual property institutions, and the interplay of intellectual property, development, and international trade.
Volume 2 explores analytical methods used to study intellectual property law. The chapters survey data sources, the use of patent citation data, patent valuation, empirical studies of intellectual property modalities (patent, copyright, trademark, and trade secrets) and institutions, the impacts of technological change on technology and content industries, the use of experimental methods, economic history research, political economy, and knowledge commons research.
Volume 1
Part I: Intellectual Property as Property
1. Intellectual Property as Property
Molly Schaffer Van Houweling
2. Anticommons, Transaction Costs, and Patent Aggregators
Rebecca S. Eisenberg
3. Governing Intellectual Property
Henry E. Smith
Part II: IP and Incentives
4. Philosophical Foundations of IP Law: The Law and Economics Paradigm
Robert P. Merges
5. Intellectual Property Law and the Promotion of Welfare
Christopher Buccafusco and Jonathan S. Masur
6. Economic Models of Innovation: Stand-Alone and Cumulative Creativity
Peter S. Menell and Suzanne Scotchmer
7. Economic Analysis of Network Effects and Intellectual Property
Peter S. Menell
8. Intellectual Property and Competition
Herbert Hovenkamp
9. Intellectual Property and the Economics of Product Differentiation
Christopher S. Yoo
10. Price Discrimination and Intellectual Property
Ben Depoorter and Michael J. Meurer
11. When are IP Rights Necessary? Evidence from Innovation in IP's Negative Space
Kal Raustiala and Christopher Jon Sprigman
12. Open Innovation and Ex-Ante Licensing
Michael J. Burstein
13. Prize and Reward Alternatives to Intellectual Property
Michael Abramowicz
Part III: IP Costs
14. Tailoring Intellectual Property Rights to Reduce Uniformity Cost
Michael W. Carroll
15. Intellectual Property Enforcement Costs
Ben Depoorter
16. Economic Analysis of Intellectual Property Notice and Disclosure
Peter S. Menell
Part IV: IP and Institutions
17. Patent Institutions: Shifting Interactions Between Legal Actors
Arti K. Rai
18. The Economics of Collective Management
Daniel Gervais
19. "The Common Law" in the Law and Economics of Intellectual Property
Shyamkrishna Balganesh
20. In the Shadow of the Law: The Role of Custom in Intellectual Property
Jennifer E. Rothman
21. Infrastructure Theory and IP
Brett Frischmann
Part V: IP, Development, and International Trade
22. Creative Development: Copyright and Emerging Creatve Industries
Sean A. Pager
23. Intellectual Property and Economic Development: A Guide for Scholarly and Policy Research
Shubha Ghosh
24. Economic Development and Intellectual Property Rights: Key Analytical Results from Economics
Keith E. Maskus
Volume 2
Part I: Empirical Methods
1. Data Sources on Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks, and Other Intellectual Property
Ted Sichelman and David L. Schwartz
Part II: Empirical Studies Relating to Patents
Section A: Metrics
2. Patent Citation Data in Social Science Research: Overview and Best Practices
Adam B. Jaffe and Gaetan de Rassenfosse
3. Patent Value
John R. Allison
Section B: Patent Institutions and Litigation
4. Empirical Scholarship on the Prosecution Process at the PTO
Melissa F. Wasserman and Michael D. Frakes
5. The USPTO's Patent Trial and Appeal Board
Arti K. Rai and Saurabh Vishnubhakat
6. The Federal Circuit as an Institution
Ryan Vacca
7. Empirical Studies of Claim Construction
J. Jonas Anderson and Peter S. Menell
8. Empirical Studies of the International Trade Commission
Colleen V. Chien and David L. Schwartz
9. Technical Standards, Standards-Setting Organizations and Intellectual Property: A Survey of the Literature (With an Emphasis on Empirical Approaches)
Jorge L. Contreras
10. Empirical Studies of Patent Pools
Michael Mattioli
11. Empirical Analyses Related to University Patenting
Arvids A. Ziedonis
Part III: Patent Law Doctrines
12. Empirical Studies in Patentability
Ronald Mann and Christopher Cotropia
13. Patent Duration
Brian J. Love
14. Infringement
Lee Petherbridge and Jason Rantanen
15. Presumption of Validity
Christopher B. Seaman
16. Inequitable Conduct and Patent Misuse
Lee Petherbridge and Jason Rantanen
17. Remedies
Thomas F. Cotter and John M. Golden
Part IV: Technology-Specific Studies
18. Patent Rights and Innovation: Evidence from the Semiconductor Industry
Rosemarie H. Ziedonis and Alberto Galasso
19. Patent Trolls
Jay Kesan
20. Patents and Innovation in Economic History
Petra Moser
21. The Political Economy of Intellectual Property Reforms
Jay P. Kesan and Andres A. Gallo
Part V: Empirical Studies Relating to Copyright
22. Empirical Studies of Copyright Litigation
Matthew Sag
23. Empirical Studies of Copyright Registration
Dotan Oliar
24. Copyright and Technological Change in Music, Movies, and Books
Joel Waldfogel
25. Music Copyright
Peter DiCola
26. Experiments in Intellectual Property
Christopher Buccafusco and Christopher Jon Sprigman
27. The Effect of Copyright Law on Access to Works
Paul J. Heald
Part VI: Empirical Studies of Trademark Law
28. Empirical Studies of Trademark Law
Barton Beebe
Part VII: Empirical Methods in Trade Secret Research
29. Empirical Methods in Trade Secret Research
Michael Risch
Part VIII: Knowledge Commons
30. Knowledge Commons
Katherine J. Strandburg and Brett M. Frischmann
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