Rene-Louis de Voyer de Paulmy, marquis d'Argenson (1694-1757), minister of state and author, was one of the boldest critics of the social and political structure of Old Regime France to put pen to paper in the eighteenth century. His Considerations sur le gouvernement ancien et present de la France advanced a scathing indictment of the existing order alongside a far-reaching reform plan to spread democracy and obviate aristocracy within the monarchy. Manuscripts of the Considerations circulated clandestinely among philosophes and other political writers such as the abbe Saint-Pierre, Voltaire, and Rousseau until its posthumous publication in 1764.
This is the first critical edition of d'Argenson's Considerations, based on four different manuscripts and presented here with a selection of d'Argenson's other political writings that have never been published. Drawing on a wide range of sources, Andrew Jainchill introduces d'Argenson's treatise with an essay interpreting his political ideas, showing the important changes he made to the different manuscripts over the decades he worked on the text, and situating within the political and intellectual context d'Argenson's political project to introduce democracy into absolute monarchy.
List of abbreviations
Note on additional texts
Note on the text
Jusqu'ou la democratie peut etre admise dans le gouvernement monarchique [Considerations sur le gouvernement ancien
et present de la France], by Rene-Louis de Voyer de Paulmy, marquis d'Argenson
Essai de l'exercice du tribunal europeen par la France pour la pacification universelle. Applique au temps courant, by Rene-Louis de Voyer de Paulmy, marquis d'Argenson
Memoire contre les abus de la taille arbitraire, presente au cardinal de Fleury, en decembre 1731, by Rene-Louis de Voyer de Paulmy, marquis d'Argenson
Lettre sur le livre de l'Essai politique, by Rene-Louis de Voyer de Paulmy, marquis d'Argenson
Observations sur l'ouvrage politique manuscrit de M., by Saint-Pierre
Observations de l'abbe de Saint-Pierre sur le precedent memoire [Memoire contre les abus de la taille arbitraire, presente au cardinal de Fleury, en decembre 1731], by Saint-Pierre
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