Platy α-SiC single crystals grown from solvent silicon = シリコン溶液から成長させた板状のα-SiC単結晶
猪俣吉三, 井上善三郎, 三友護 [著]
(AFCRL, 72-0265. Translations ; no. 98)
Air Force Systems Command, United States Air Force, 1972
シリコン ヨウエキ カラ セイチョウ サセタ イタジョウ ノ α-SiC タンケッショウ
At head of title: Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories
"Translated from Ceramic Society of Japan Journal (Yogyo Kyokai-Shi). Tokyo 79(8): 259-263 [72-6 (Emm-72-275)]"
"Translated by the Oriental Science Research Library of Emmanuel College, Boston, Massachusetts under Contract F19628-71-C-0121"
"Printed with the permission of the Ceramic Society of Japan (Yogyo Kyakai-shi), Tokyo"
Includes bibliographical references (p. 9-10)
Air Force Cambridge Research Labortories