As the drive towards creating age-friendly cities grows, this important book provides a comprehensive survey of theories and policies aimed at improving the quality of life of older people living in urban areas.
In this book, part of the Ageing in a Global Context series, leading international researchers critically assess the problems and the potential of designing age-friendly environments. The book considers the different ways in which cities are responding to population ageing, the different strategies for developing age-friendly communities, and the extent to which older people themselves can be involved in the co-production of age-friendly policies and practices.
The book includes a manifesto for the age-friendly movement, focused around tackling social inequality and promoting community empowerment.
- Part One:Age-friendly cities and communities
- background, theory and development
Introduction ~ Tine Buffel, Sophie Handler and Chris Phillipson
The development of age-friendly cities and communities ~ Samuele Remillard-Boilard
Neighbourhood change, social inequalities and age-friendly communities ~ Fleur Thomese,Tine Buffel and Chris Phillipson
Addressing erasure, microfication and social change: age-friendly initiatives and environmental gerontology in the 21st century ~ Jessica A. Kelley, Dale Dannefer and Luma Issa Al Masarweh
Part Two: Case studies from Europe, Asia and Australia
Age and gentrification in Berlin: urban ageing policy and the experiences of disadvantaged older people ~ Meredith Dale, Josefine Heusinger and Birgit Wolter
Towards an "active caring community" in Brussels ~ An-Sofie Smetcoren, Liesbeth De Donder, Daan Duppen, Nico De Witte, Olivia Vanmechelen and Dominique Verte
Exploring the age-friendliness of Hong Kong: opportunities, initiatives and challenges in an ageing Asian city ~ David Phillips, Jean Woo, Francis Cheung, Moses Wong and Pui Hing Chau
Creating an age-friendly county in Ireland: stakeholders' perspectives on implementation ~ Bernard McDonald, Thomas Scharf and Kieran Walsh
Implementing age-friendly cities in Australia ~ Hal Kendig, Cathy Gong and Lisa Cannon
Part Three: Age-friendly policies, urban design and a manifesto for change
From representation to active ageing in a Manchester neighbourhood: designing the age-friendly city ~ Stefan White and Mark Hammond
Alternative age-friendly initiatives: redefining age-friendly design ~ Sophie Handler
Developing age-friendly policies for cities: strategies, challenges and reflections ~ Paul McGarry
The age-friendly community: a test for inclusivity ~ Sheila Peace, Jeanne Katz, Caroline Holland and Rebecca L. Jones
Age-friendly cities and communities: a manifesto for change ~ Tine Buffel, Sophie Handler and Chris Phillipson.
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