Originally published in 1986, this volume deals with various aspects of the life of the pastoralists who live in the area between what was Senegambia and Cameroon. It analyses the changing relations between pastoralists and agricultural peoples, and the changes that pastoral societies are undergoing with urbanisation, increased central government control and the spread of market relations. The papers are in both English and French and include historical studies of aspects of the history of Adamawa, the Fulani, the Twareg, the Shuwa Arabs and the Koyam in pre-colonial times. There is also a survey of the state of Fula language studies and the variety of Fula literature; discussions of the changing nature of pastoralism and the nomadic way of life in Cameroon, Senegal and Nigeria, including the effects of drought.
Part 1: Historical Perspectives
1. Les armees peul de l'Adamawa au 19e siecle 2. Fulani Continuity and Change under Five Flags
3. Maudu Laawol Pulaaku: Survival and Symbiosis
4. The Role of the Fulani and Twareg Pastoralists in the Central Sudan, 1405-1903 5. The Shuwa Arabs6. The Koyam Part 2: Language and Literature
7. Fula Language Studies: Present Position and Future Prospects
8. Aspects de la Litterature Peul
9. Fula Lexicography
10. The Fulani Women Poets Part 3: Nomads and Pastoralists
11. L'expansion des elevers peul dans les savenes humides du Cameroun
12. La brousse est morte
13. The Economic of Productiona nd Exchange in West African Pastoral Societies 14. Peul at amenagements hydro-agricoles dans la vallee du fleuve Senegal C. Santoir
15. The Fulani of the Jos Plateau Part 4: Social and Economic Aspects
16. Les societes et la civilisation des Peul
17. Langue, culture et economique dans le Futa Guineen 18. Crises et mutations sociales au Futa-Jalon 19. Le delta interieur du Niger: organisation spatiale 20. Evolution du Peul urbain: Ngaoundere
21. Peul Majoritaires, Peul Minoritaires
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