Feelings transformed : philosophical theories of the emotions, 1270-1670
Dominik Perler ; translated from the German by Tony Crawford
(Emotions of the past / series editors, Robert A. Kaster, David Konstan)
Oxford University Press, c2018
Transformationen der Gefühle : philosophische Emotionstheorien 1270-1670
名古屋大学 情報・言語合同図書室 情報・言語
: hardback141.6||P41659535
: [hardback]141/24411217679
Originally published in German by S. Fischer, Frankfurt am Main, c2011, under the title: Transformationen der Gefühle : philosophische Emotionstheorien 1270-1670 Includes bibliographical references (p. 325-338) and indexes series editors, Robert A. Kaster, David Konstan
Oxford University Press
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