Outside In presents the newest scholarship that narrates and explains the history of the United States as part of a networked transnational past. This work tells the stories of Americans who inhabited the border-crossing circuitry of people, ideas, and institutions that have made the modern world a worldly place. Forsaking manifestos of transnational history and surveys of existing scholarship for fresh research, careful attention to concrete situations and
transactions, and original interpretation, the vigorous, accomplished historians whose work is collected here show how the transnational history of the United States is actually being written. Ranging from high statecraft to political ferment from below, from the history of religion to the discourse of
women's rights, from the political left to the political right, from conservative businessmen to African diaspora radicals, this set of original essays narrates U.S. history in new ways, emphasizing the period from 1870 to the present.
The essays in Outside In demonstrate the inadequacy of any unidirectional concept of "the U.S. and the world," although they stress the worldly forces that have shaped Americans. At the same time, these essays disrupt and complicate the very idea of simple inward and outward flows of influence, showing how Americans lived within transnational circuits featuring impacts and influences running in multiple directions. Outside In also transcends the divide between work focusing on
the international system of nation-states and transnational history that treats non-state actors exclusively. The essays assembled here show how to write transnational history that takes the nation-state seriously, explaining that governments and non-state actors were never sealed off from one another in the modern
world. These essays point the way toward a more concrete and fully internationalized vision of modern American history.
Introduction- Andrew Preston and Doug Rossinow
Chapter 1: The Monroe Doctrine in the Nineteenth Century- Jay Sexton
Chapter 2: Globalization's Paradox: Economic Interdependence and Global Governance- Daniel Sargent
Chapter 3: A "Badge of Advanced Liberalism": The Place of Woman Suffrage in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Anglo-American Political Thought- Leslie A. Butler
Chapter 4: White Men's Wages: The Australian/American Campaign for a Legislated Living Wage- Marilyn Lake
Chapter 5: American Protestant Missionaries, Moral Reformers and the Reinterpretation of American"Expansion" in the Late Nineteenth Century- Ian Tyrrell
Chapter 6: The Body in Crisis: Congo and the Transformations of Evangelical Internationalism, 1960-65- Melani McAlister
Chapter 7: Extracted Truths: The Politics of God and Black Gold on a Global Stage - Darren Dochuk
Chapter 8: A Union of all Oppressed Peoples: The International Congress against Imperialism and the International Circuits of Black Radicalism- Minkah Makalani
Chapter 9: "The South's No. 1 Salesman": Luther Hodges and the Transatlantic Origins of the Global Nueva South- Elizabeth Tandy Shermer
Chapter 10: The Dirty War Network: Right-Wing Internationalism through Cold War America- Doug Rossinow
Chapter 11: American Internationalists in France and the Politics of Travel Control in the Long 1960s- Moshik Temkin
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