Alexander the Great (356-333 BC) was to capture the imagination of his contemporaries and future generations. His image abounds in various cultures and literatures - Eastern and Western - and spread around the globe through oral and literary media at an astonishing rate during late antiquity and the early Islamic period. The first Iskandarnama, or 'The Book of Alexander', now held in a private collection in Tehran, is the oldest prose version of the Alexander romance in the Persian tradition. Thought to have been written at some point between the eleventh and fourteenth centuries by an unknown author, the lively narrative recasts Alexander as Iskandar, a Muslim champion - a king and prophet, albeit flawed but heroic, and remarkably appropriated to Islam, though the historic Alexander lived and died some 1,000 years before the birth of the faith. This new English translation of the under-studied text is the first to be presented unabridged and sheds fresh light onto the shape and structure of this vital document.In so doing it invites a reconsideration of the transformation of a Western historical figure - and one-time mortal enemy of Persia - into a legendary hero adopted by Iranian historiographic myth-making.
Evangelos Venetis, the translator, also offers a textual analysis, providing much-needed context and explanations on both content and subsequent reception. This landmark publication will be invaluable to students and scholars of classical Persian literature, ancient and medieval history and Middle East studies, as well as to anyone studying the Alexander tradition.
Introductory Part 11
The Expedition of Alexander the Double-Horned One to Iran to
Fight Darius, the Son of Darius 12
Alexander’s Arrival at ‘Uman and the Story Between Him and the
King of ‘Uman 15
How Alexander Went to Porus Disguised as a Messenger and the Story
Between Them 16
Alexander’s Journey to Kashmir and What Happened Between Him and
A ̄ za ̄dbakht, the King of Kashmir, and his Daughter, Ma ̄ha ̄far? ̄n 20
The Story of A ̄ za ̄dbakht, the King of Kashmir, and Porus’ Daughter,
Who Was Alexander’s Wife 25
Alexander’s Journey to Ceylon and What Happened Between Him and Kayd,
the King of India 35
The Pilgrimage of Alexander to Adam’s Tomb and his Journey to the
Land of Gold 48
Alexander, the Creatures with the Hairy Feet and the War Between Them 52
Alexander’s Arrival at Mecca and the House of the Prophet, and the Story
Between Him and the People of Mecca 54
Alexander’s Arrival in Yemen and the Story Between Him and the
King of Yemen 56
Alexander’s Journey to Egypt, the Disguise of the King of Egypt as a Messenger
When He Went to Alexander, and the Story Between Him and Alexander 68
The Story of Alexander, Who Wished to Hear Stories from the Ruler of
Egypt, and the Latter’s Storytelling 77
The Narration of the Story of King Tahta ̄j by the Ruler of Egypt to Alexander 88
The Narration of the Story of the Merchant’s Son by the Ruler of Egypt to
Alexander 92
How Alexander, Disguised as a Messenger, Visited Candace, the Queen of
Andalusia, and their Story 96
Alexander’s Journey to the Land of Darkness and What Occurred There 102
The Story of the Scorpion, the Snake and the Youth Who Was Sleeping
in the Garden, and the Wonder that Alexander Experienced 105
Alexander’s Arrival in Turkestan by way of the Akhzar Sea, and the
Story Between Him and the King of that Region 108
The Story of the Barrel of Wheat Found in Alexander’s Treasure House
and the Life of Bahra ̄m, his Father and their Wives 109
The Story of the Hermits with the Daughter of the King and What Happened 112
The Storytelling of the King of the City with Alexander about Justice 115
Alexander’s Journey to Siyavu ̄ shgard and his Story with the King of that City 116
Alexander’s Arrival in the Land of China, the Wonders He Saw and
his Story with the Kings of that Land 120
Alexander’s Arrival as Messenger at the Court of the Khaqa ̄n of the
Chinese Turkestan and the Story Between Them 121
The Trick of the Khaqa ̄n’s Wife to Murder Him and What Occurred 136
The Story Between the Sons of the Khaqa ̄n and Alexander, their Plan
to Poison Alexander through his Concubine, and How Alexander
Discovered that by Wisdom 140
Alexander’s Arrival in the Land of Taghma ̄j and Alexander’s Visit to
Alexander of that Land as a Messenger 146
Alexander’s Arrival in the Land of Demons and the Cannibal Zang? ̄s,
and his War Against Them 151
Alexander’s Arrival at the Well, his Story with the Zang? ̄ and the Maiden
Who Was with Him and her Own Story 158
Alexander’s Arrival at the Hermit’s Cloister on the Mountaintop
and their Story 161
Alexander’s Arrival in the Land of the Fairies and the Story of his Meeting
with Ara ̄q? ̄t, the Fairy Queen, and What . . . 164
viii The Persian Alexander
Alexander’s Invasion into Ara ̄q? ̄t’s Territory and the Arrival of Ara ̄q? ̄t’s Uncle
to her Aid 178
The Arrival of Ara ̄q? ̄t’s Uncle and the Fairies at the Camp, and the Story
Between Him and Alexander 180
Alexander’s Arrival in Russia, the Story Between Him and the Russians,
and the Dream He Had in that Land 189
Alexander’s Arrival at the Fortress of Qa ̄til the Zang? ̄, the Story Between
the King and the Zang? ̄s, and the Seizure of the Fort 193
The Story of Qa ̄til the Zang? ̄ Who Sent 2,000 Men to Seek the Bride, and
Alexander’s Surprise Attack on Them 200
The Story of Ra ̄fi‘ the Zang? ̄, Who Came to the Aid of his Brother, and
their War Against Alexander 207
How ‘Anbar Received Qa ̄til’s Letter, Gathered an Army and Went to the
Aid of his Uncle, an
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