This Companion to the Abbey of Le Bec in the Central Middle Ages (11th-13th Centuries) offers the first major collection of studies dedicated to the medieval abbey of Le Bec, one of the most important, and perhaps the single most influential, monastery in the Anglo-Norman world. Following its foundation in 1034 by a knight-turned-hermit called Herluin, Le Bec soon developed into a religious, cultural and intellectual hub whose influence extended throughout Normandy and beyond. The fourteen chapters gathered in this Companion are written by internationally renowned experts of Anglo-Norman studies, and together they address the history of this important medieval institution in its many exciting facets. The broad range of scholarly perspectives combined in this volume includes historical and religious studies, prosopography and biography, palaeography and codicology, studies of space and identity, as well as theology and medicine.
Contributors are Richard Allen, Elma Brenner, Laura Cleaver, Jean-Herve Foulon, Giles E.M. Gasper, Laura L. Gathagan, Veronique Gazeau, Leonie V. Hicks, Elizabeth Kuhl, Benjamin Pohl, Julie Potter, Elisabeth van Houts, Steven Vanderputten, Sally N. Vaughn, and Jenny Weston.
List of Illustrations
List of Abbreviations
List of Contributors
Laura Gathagan and Benjamin Pohl
1 The Foundation and Early History of Le Bec
Jean-Herve Foulon
2 The Role of the Abbots of Le Bec (1034-1281)
Veronique Gazeau
3 Anselm of Le Bec and Canterbury: Teacher by Word and Example, Following the Footprints of His Ancestors
Sally N. Vaughn
4 Robert of Torigni and Le Bec: The Man and the Myth
Benjamin Pohl
5 The Writing of History at Le Bec
Elisabeth van Houts
6 Manuscripts and Book Production at Le Bec
Jenny Weston
7 The Monastic Library at Le Bec
Laura Cleaver
8 Theology at Le Bec
Giles Gasper
9 Custom and Identity at Le Bec
Steven Vanderputten
10 Education and Schooling at Le Bec: A Case Study of Le Bec's Florilegia
Elizabeth Kuhl
11 The Use of Space and the Religious Life at Le Bec
Leonie V. Hicks
12 Medical Knowledge and Practice at Le Bec (c.1050-c.1300)
Elma Brenner
13 The Ecclesiastical Patrons of Le Bec
Richard Allen
14 The Monks of Le Bec and Their Benefactors: The Nature and Meaning of Religious Patronage
Julie Potter
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