Research ethics in the Arab region
Bibliographic Information
Research ethics in the Arab region
Henry Silverman, editor
(Research ethics forum, v. 5)
Springer, c2017
Available at / 2 libraries
Includes bibliographical references and index
Description and Table of Contents
This book addresses the pressing issues involved with the ethical conduct of research in one developing world region - the Arab Region. Clinical research has soared in the developing world -as pharmaceutical companies continue their search for regions with large, treatment naive populations - including the Arab region, and has profound implications for the health and the economies for the area. The ethical issues involved with the conduct of such research, however, have so far not been adequately addressed. This volume presents the issues regarding research ethics and research governance that have relevance for health authorities, regulators, industry, and academia. As a multi-authored volume it includes both international and local experts on ethical issues in research, representing all stakeholders, thus presenting a balanced view on this timely topic.
Table of Contents
- Introduction to ethical issues in research in the Middle East
- Henry Silverman, Thalia Arawi.- A Review of International Guidelines: Controversial Issues
- Henry Silverman.- National Guidelines in the Middle East
- Ghiath Alahmad.- Bioethicist Islamic Bioethics
- Thalia Arawi.- Globalization and Research Ethics Systems in the Middle East Hillary Edwards Current state of research ethics capacity in the Middle East and Current Gaps
- Henry Silverman.- The Regulatory Framework and Capacity Case Studies from Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, etc
- Vladimir Misik.- Quintiles Issues in research from perspectives of Health Authorities: Experience from Jordan, Dubai, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar TBD Building Clinical Trial Site Capabilities
- Samer El-Kamary and Nadia Zaki.- Recruitment of Participants/Therapeutic Misconception TBD Issues in Informed Consent
- Noha Asem and Tamer Hifnawy.- Gender Issues/Cultural Issues
- Amal Matar/Thalia Arawi.- Genetic Issues and Biobanks
- Ghiath Alahmad.- Research Involving Children
- Jihad Makhou.- Refugee Research
- Rema Afifi.- Community Participatory Research TBD Health Services Research
- Sherine Shawky.- (AUC) Observational Studies TBD International Issues: Avoiding Exploitation Henry Silverman Good Clinical Practice
- Tamer Hifnawy.- Responsible Conduct in Research
- Thalia Arwai.- Challenges to operations of RECs
- Hany Sleem.- Building REC networks
- Azza Salah.- Enhancing Patients' Rights Thalia Arawi Assessment of RECs
- Henry Silverman.- Perspectives of Investigators towards Research Ethics (summary of current research)
- Noha Asem.- Teaching Research Ethics
- Henk ten Have.
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