Empower tomorrow's tech innovators
Our students are avid users and consumers of technology. Isn't it time that they see themselves as the next technological innovators, too? Computational Thinking and Coding for Every Student is the beginner's guide for K-12 educators who want to learn to integrate the basics of computer science into their curriculum. Readers will find
Practical strategies for teaching computational thinking and the beginning steps to introduce coding at any grade level, across disciplines, and during out-of-school time
Instruction-ready lessons and activities for every grade
Specific guidance for designing a learning pathway for elementary, middle, or high school students
Justification for making coding and computer science accessible to all
A glossary with definitions of key computer science terms, a discussion guide with tips for making the most of the book, and companion website with videos, activities, and other resources
Momentum for computer science education is growing as educators and parents realize how fundamental computing has become for the jobs of the future. This book is for educators who see all of their students as creative thinkers and active contributors to tomorrow's innovations.
"Kiki Prottsman and Jane Krauss have been at the forefront of the rising popularity of computer science and are experts in the issues that the field faces, such as equity and diversity. In this book, they've condensed years of research and practitioner experience into an easy to read narrative about what computer science is, why it is important, and how to teach it to a variety of audiences. Their ideas aren't just good, they are research-based and have been in practice in thousands of classrooms...So to the hundreds and thousands of teachers who are considering, learning, or actively teaching computer science-this book is well worth your time."
Pat Yongpradit
Chief Academic Officer, Code.org
Why This Book? Why Now?
What to Expect
A Note About Preparation
Lights, Camera, Action!
About the Authors
Part 1: Storyboarding
Chapter 1. An Introduction to Computer Science
Computer Science Is Within You
An Introduction to Computational Thinking
What Computer Science Is
What Computer Science Is Not
Chapter 2. Why Kids Should Have the Opportunity to Learn
What Computer Science Really Teaches
A Look Back
It Would Be Irresponsible Not to Introduce Computer Science
Part 2: Casting Call
Chapter 3. Try Your Hand at Coding
Time Well Spent
Key Strategy: Pair Programming
Teacher Warm-ups and Exercises
Chapter 4. Getting Started in the Classroom
Start Low-Tech
Encourage Movement
Foster Critical Consumption
Protect Privacy and Prevent Cyberbullying
Achieve Access
Banish Anxiety
Chapter 5. Dos and Don'ts of Teaching Computer Science
1. DON'T Expect to Be an Expert
2. DO Let Your Class Explore
3. DO Let Your Class Share
4. DO Give Kids Time to Move
5. DO Get Creative
6. DON'T Be a Bore
7. DO Relate Computer Science to Students' Lives
8. DON'T Expect Cookie-Cutter Results
9. DO Set Students up for Success
10. DO Treat CS as an Art
11. DO Give It a Try
Part 3: In Production
Chapter 6. Activities That Foster Computational Thinking
Thinking Computationally
Digging Deeper Into Computational Thinking
Chapter 7. Decomposition
Decomposition Resources
Lesson Plan: Break It Down!
Decomposition: Break It Up!
Chapter 8. Pattern Recognition (With Pattern Matching)
Pattern Recognition Resources
Lesson Plan: Divine Patterns
Chapter 9. Abstraction
Abstraction Resources
Lesson Plan: So Abstract
Sample Stories
Chapter 10. Automation
Automation Resources
Lesson Plan: Algorithms and Automation- A Compliment Generator
A Last Word on Computational Thinking
What's Next?
Chapter 11. Activities That Foster Spatial Reasoning
Spatial Abilities Tied to Success in STEM
"Spatialize" Your Teaching
Wrapping It Up
Chapter 12: Making With Code
Making Within STEAM Studies
Design for Design Thinking
"Freestyle" Making
Part 4: Your Feature Presentation
Chapter 13. Designing a Curriculum Continuum Across K-12
Chapter 14. Important Ideas Across All Grades
Pair Programming
Learning to Learn
Resources at the Ready
Equitable Practices
Chapter 15. The Elementary Pathway
Kindergarten and First Grade
Second and Third Grades
Fourth and Fifth Grades
Out-of-School Learning in the Elementary Grades
Elementary Computer Science Resources
Curriculum: Build an Alligator!
Chapter 16. The Middle School Pathway
Out-of-School Time in the Middle Grades
Middle School Computer Science Resources
Curriculum: Create Your Own Fortune
Chapter 17. The High School Pathway
Out-of-School Time in High School
High School Computer Science Resources
Curriculum: Roll the Dice
Chapter 18. Adapting Lessons for Your Class
1. The Lessons Are Only Suggestions
2. Adapt a Lesson for Younger Students
3. Adapt a Lesson for Older Students
4. Create a Lesson to Squeeze Into Other Curricula
Chapter 19. What People Are Doing and How They Are Doing It Well
Taking It to the Streets: Build Community Enthusiasm for Computer Science
Afterword: Opportunities Abound
Discussion Guide
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