The correspondence of Isaac Casaubon in England
edited by Paul Botley and Máté Vince
(Travaux d'humanisme et Renaissance, no 588)
Droz, c2018
v. 1001802769,
学習院大学 図書館 仏文 v. 1THR/588/10200622972, v. 1THR:588(1)4819414758, 明治大学 図書館 本 v. 1085||2-588||||D2201802966, Letters in Latin, French, Greek and Arabic; critical matter in English Vol. 1. October 1610 to October 1611 -- v. 2. November 1611 to July 1612 -- v. 3. August 1612 to June 1613 -- v. 4. July 1613 to June 1614 Includes bibliographical references (v. 1, p. 75-86) and index注記
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