In the mid-eighteenth century the Russian tsar sent two expeditions across the Caspian Sea in response to an extraordinary plea for assistance from the recently subjugated Kalmyk Khan. The official journals of these expeditions, here translated into English for the first time, record the encounters of Captains Tebelev and Kopitovskii (in 1741 and 1745, respectively) with the Turkmen tribes of the Caspian frontier zone. Together they form the basis for Peter Poullada's study of the relationship between the expanding Russian empire and the tribal peoples of Central Asia over a period of more than 200 years. Drawing on Russian archival sources and Persian and Uzbek chronicles, Russian-Turkmen Encounters provides a detailed exploration of the historical and political context of the encounters so vividly described in the two journals.
Poullada shows that before the better-known nineteenth-century rivalry between the Russian and British Empires, famously known as the Great Game, Russian merchants, envoys and explorers were engaged in a complex relationship with the various tribal and political groups of Central Asia: Turkmen, Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Kalmyks and even forces from the Safavid and Afshar shahs who ruled Iran. Russian-Turkmen Encounters provides a valuable new resource that will lead to a deeper understanding of Russia's imperial expansion and its involvement in the geopolitical and commercial rivalries with the major political groups in Central Asia during the early modern period.
Table of Contents
Part I Russian – Turkmen Frontier Encounters:
1558 – 1745
1. The Khan’s Letter 3
2. Astrakhan, the Turkmen of Mangyshlak and the
Long-Distance Caravan Trade 7
3. Turkmen, Uzbeks and Russians 27
4. The Duel for Mangyshlak between Turkmen,
Kalmyks and Kazakhs 45
The Turkmen of Mangyshlak and the Kalmyks 45
The Turkmen of Mangyshlak and the Kazakhs 50
5. Russian – Turkmen Relations in the Era of Peter
the Great 55
Nadir Shah Afshar in Central Asia 63
Conclusion 69
Part II The Journals of Captain Tebelev (1741) and
Captain Kopytovskii (1745)
Preface to the English Translation
by Claora E. Styron 73
Introduction by V. Razumovskaia,
Translated by Claora E. Styron 79
From the Journal of Captain G. Tebelev, 1741 85
12 June [1741] 85
14 June [1741] 86
June [1741] 88
17 (June) [1741] 91
18 June [1741] 92
19 June [1741] 93
22 June [1741] 96
23 June [1741] 96
25 June [1741] 97
26 June [1741] 99
27 June [1741] 100
28 June [1741] 100
From the Journal of Captain V. Kopytovskii, 1745 103
9 June [1745] 103
13 July [1745] 103
[14 July 1745] 108
14 July [1745] 108
16 July [1745] 119
17 July [1745] 121
19 July [1745] 123
21 July [1745] 128
23 July [1745] 129
25 July [1745] 130
26 July [1745] 131
27 July [1745] 132
11 August [1745] 134
by "Nielsen BookData"