'In order to use law to improve social welfare, scholars and policy makers need to be able to predict how people will respond to the legal change. To do so, they must understand when and how decisions are affects by systematic biases and heuristics, including how people respond to changes in either the legal or institutional environment. In this path-breaking volume, Professors Teitelbaum and Zeiler have assembled leading scholars from a variety of disciplines to enrich our understanding of human decision-making and analyze the implications of behavioral analysis for a wide range of legal issues, including antitrust, consumer finance, criminal law, torts, and property. This book will be enormously valuable for students, scholars and policy makers.'
- Jennifer Arlen, New York University, School of Law, US
The field of behavioral economics has contributed greatly to our understanding of human decision making by refining neoclassical assumptions and developing models that account for psychological, cognitive, and emotional forces. The field?s insights have important implications for law. This Research Handbook offers a variety of perspectives from renowned experts on a wide-ranging set of topics including punishment, finance, tort law, happiness, and the application of experimental literatures to law. It also includes analyses of conceptual foundations, cautions, limitations and proposals for ways forward.
The leading scholars of law, economics, and psychology featured in this Research Handbook use their insights to synthesize and contribute to the extant research at the intersection of behavioral economics and key areas of law, and to demonstrate methods for effective original research. With synthetic literature reviews and original research, conceptual overviews and critical perspectives, as well as topic-specific chapters, it provides a strong overview of this burgeoning field.
Law and economics scholars, behavioral law scholars, and behavioral economists and psychologists dealing with law, judgement and decision-making will appreciate this Research Handbook?s dedication to applicable research, and judges, lawmakers, policy advocates and regulators will note its important practical implications for law and public policy.
Contributors include: S. Agarwal, A. al-Nowaihi, B.W. Ambrose, J. Baron, M. Bos, G. Charness, T. Chorvat, G. DeAngelo, S. Dhami, B. Ho, P.H. Huang, D. Huffman, O.D. Jones, C.M. Landeo, B. Luppi, K. McCabe, G. Mitchell, F. Parisi, S. Payne Carter, P.M. Skiba, A. Stein, T. Wilkinson-Ryan, E. Xiao, K. Zeiler
Joshua C. Teitelbaum and Kathryn Zeiler
PART I Foundations
1. Conceptual Foundations: A Bird's-Eye View
Jonathan Baron and Tess Wilkinson-Ryan
2. Behavioral Probability
Alex Stein
PART II Antitrust and Consumer Finance
3. Exclusionary Vertical Restraints and Antitrust: Experimental Law and Economics Contributions
Claudia M. Landeo
4. Balancing Act: New Evidence and a Discussion of the Theory on the Rationality and Behavioral Anomalies of Choice in Credit Markets
Marieke Bos, Susan Payne Carter and Paige Marta Skiba
5. The Effect of Advertising on Home Equity Credit Choices
Sumit Agarwal and Brent W. Ambrose
PART III Crime and Punishment
6. Punishment, Social Norms, and Cooperation
Erte Xiao
7. Prospect Theory, Crime and Punishment
Sanjit Dhami and Ali al-Nowaihi
8. Behavioral Models in Tort Law
Barbara Luppi and Francesco Parisi
9. Law and Economics and Tort Litigation Institutions: Theory and Experiments
Claudia M. Landeo
PART V Happiness and Trust
10. Happiness 101 for Legal Scholars: Applying Happiness Research to Legal Policy, Ethics, Mindfulness, Negotiations, Legal Education, and Legal Practice
Peter H. Huang
11. Trust and the Law
Benjamin Ho and David Huffman
PART VI Experiments and Neuroeconomics
12. Law and Economics in the Laboratory
Gary Charness and Gregory DeAngelo
13. What Explains Observed Reluctance to Trade? A Comprehensive Literature Review
Kathryn Zeiler
14. Incentives, Choices, and Strategic Behavior: A Neuroeconomic Perspective for the Law
Terrence Chorvat and Kevin McCabe
PART VII Cautions and Ways Forward
15. The Price of Abstraction
Gregory Mitchell
16. Why Behavioral Economics Isn't Better, and How It Could Be
Owen D. Jones
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