Kootenay Lake : British Columbia - Alberta - U.S.A.
(Open file / Geological Survey of Canada, 2948b . Tectonic assemblage map)
In-house reproduction [manufacture]
Tectonic assemblages of the Kootenay Lake map area 1:1 000 000 GSC open file 2948b
Reprint. Originally published: Ottawa : Geological Survey of Canada, 2000
Scale 1:1,000,000 = Échelle 1/1,000,000
Lambert conformal conic projection, standard parallels 48°40' and 51°20' = Projection conique conforme de Lambert Parallèles d'échelle conservée 48°40' et 51°20'
Includes bibliographical references
Geological Survey of Canada
In-house reproduction [manufacture]
地図資料 (地図)