How can we lay the foundation for a more just and peaceful world? How can we prevent communications from fracturing and societies from tearing themselves apart? How should we prioritise economic, social and cultural demands for resources and opportunities?
This book answers these questions, and presents a view of development 'in practice'. Written by experts in the field, the book covers a range of contemporary developments, as well as providing coverage of the theory and practice of international development.
The book:
* Covers a range of contemporary topics such as global security, new technologies, ethics and learning and participation
* Has chapters on Global Health and Development in Practice, Environmentally Sustainable Development in Practice and Corruption and Development
* Features learning objectives, summaries, reading lists and questions for discussion
* Works as a practice-driven text packed with case studies
Global in perspective and full of everything you need to know, this is your go-to book for your studies in International Development.
Globalization and Global Development Practice - Paul Battersby and Ravi K. Roy
Shared Mental Models and International Development: - Arthur T. Denzau and Ravi K. Roy
Models of Governance
Mental Models of Economic Development - Richard P. Appelbaum
Governance, Power and Participation - Paul Battersby, Thunradee Taveekan and Gregoire Nimbtik
Globalization, Gender and Development - Cirila P. Limpangog, Lesley J. Pruitt and Julian C.H. Lee
Rethinking Practices of Security in an Age of Globalization - Damian Grenfell
Models of Justice
Global Justice, International Law and Development - Paul Battersby and Rebekah Farrell
Moral Dilemmas: Ethics and Development Practice - Vandra Harris
Religion and International Development - Desmond Cahill
Corruption and Development - Robert Klitgaard
New Models of Practice
Environmentally Sustainable Development in Practice - Anil Hira
Situating the Practitioner as Co-Learner and Co-Participant in Global Development - Jose Roberto Guevara, Kent Goldsworthy and Alexander Snow
Navigating Dualities: A Case Study of Organizational Governance in Cambodian Civil Society - Louise Coventry
Communicating Development: Towards Strategic, Inclusive and Creative Approaches - Marianne D. Sison
Financial Inclusion as Practice: Microfinance and Mobile Money - Supriya Singh
When Adaptation Fails: Planned Relocation as a Rights-Based Response to Climate Displacement - Scott Leckie
Global Health and Development Practice - Debbi Long, Paul Komesaroff and Elizabeth Kath
Development Theory and Beyond - Jonathan Makuwira
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