Mani and his teachings according to Islamic sources : an introductory story / Dilâ Baran Tekin
The date of the Manichaean codices from Medinet Madi, and its significance / Jason Beduhn and Greg Hodgins
Incipits and Explicits in Iranian Manichaean texts / Adam Benkato
Violence and myth : some reflections on an aspect of the Manichaean protology and eschatology / Fernando Bermejo-Rubio
On the names of 'Donors' in middle Iranian Manichaean texts / Iris Colditz
The Coptic Manichaean psalm to Jesus (N°245) / Jean-Daniel Dubois
The elect cosmic body and Manichaeism as an exclusive religion / Majella Franzmann
Patīg and Pattikios in the Manichaean sources / Iain Gardner and Layla Rasouli-Narimani
Wild cannibals or repentant sinners? : the value of the Manichaean book of giants for understanding the Qumran book of giants / Matthew Goff
Exploring the relic function of Mani's seal stone in the bibliothèque nationale de France / Zsuzsanna Gulácsi
Adamas of light in the cosmology painting / Gábor Kósa
The Messiah in Iranian Manichaean texts / Claudia Leurini
Manichaeism East and West (presidential address) / Samuel Lieu
Real and imagined Manichaeans in Greek patristic anti-Manichaica (4th-6th centuries) / Rea Matsangou
Manichaean Sogdian poems / Enrico Morano
Observations on the book of the giants from Coptic and Syriac sources / Nils Arne Pedersen
John of Dara on Mani : Manichaean interpretations of genesis 2:17 in Syriac / Flavia Ruani
Persia, sun, fire, execution, and mercy : Jean Baudrillard's postmodern reception of Charles Allberry's a Manichaean psalm-book, part II (1938) / Jonathan Smith
Heavenly garment and Christology in western Manichaean sources / Christos Theodorou
Some observations on Greek words in Coptic Manichaean texts / Satoshi Toda
Middle Iranian terms in the Xiapu Chinese texts : four aspects of the father of greatness in Parthian / Yutaka Yoshida