This title brings together a variety of papers presented at the 9th annual Meso meeting in 2007. The topics selected for Meso 2007 are designed to illustrate the relation of thresholds to multiscaling:
Flow through capillary tubes in contrast to pipes
Laminar and turbulent flow transition
Heat convection of thin wires in contrast to cylinders
Electrical conductance of macro- and nano-circuits
Rubbery and glassy polymers
Single- and poly-crystal behavior
Strength of wires and round cylindrical bars
Uni-axial and multi-axial material: linear and non-linear response
Thin and thick plate behavior
Brittle and ductile fracture
Small and large crack growth behavior
Low and high temperature effects
Local and global material property characteristics
Small and large bodies: size and time effects
Specimen and structure
Section I: Physical Mechanisms of Multiple Damage 1
Multiple hierarchical scale-dependency on physical mechanisms of material damage: macromechanical, microstructural and nanochemical 3
G.c. Sih
Surface layers and inner interfaces as functional subsystems of solid 37
V.E. Panin, S.V. Panin and A.V. Panin
Microstructural evolution in dual-phase steels at high strain-rates 45
M.N. Bassim and A.G. Odeshi
Plastic deformation in single cryctal Ni3Fe (thin and thick plates) 55
S.V. Starenchenko, V.A. Starenchenko and LP. Radchenko
Mechanisms of physical aging in polypropylene 63
G. Guero and T. Vu-Khan
Section II: Physical, Mesoscopical and Multiscale Models 73
Finite element homogeneization for the determination ofthe RYE size for elastoviscoplastic Polycrystalline Materials 75
H. Haddadi and A. Salahouelhadj
An incremental energy based fatigue life calculations method for metallic structures under multiaxial amplitude loadings 83
J. Benabes, N. Saintier, T. Palin-Luc and F. Cocheteux
Meso/micro fatigue crack growth involving crystal structure and crack geometry 91
C.A. Rodopoulos and G. Chliveros
Development of a nonlinear homogeneization method: evaluation and application to a rubber-reinforced material 105
V. Bouchart, M. Brieu, D. Kondo and M. Nait-Abdelaziz
Cavitation of rubber toughened polymer: numerical and experimental investigation 113
N. Belayachi, N. Benseddiq and M. Nail-Abdelaziz
Ductile damage by interface decohesion 123
N. Bonfoh, S. Tiem and P. Lipinski
A multiscale discussion of fatigue and shakedown for notched structures 131
G. Bertolino, A. Constantinescu, M. Ferjani and P. Treiber
Two scale approach for the defect tolerance fatigue design of automotive components 145
H. Gadouini and Y. Nadot
Section III: Film, Layer and Interface 153
Plastic deformation and fracture ofthin metallic films on annealing in terms of the multilevel model ofa deformed solid 155
A.V. Panin and A.R Shugurov
Mesoscopic model for electroactive Composite Films and its applications 163
D. Roy Mahapatra and RV.N. Melnik
Interfaces of one-way glass/epoxy composite in inflexion 171
A. Djebbar and L. Vincent
Point defects ofthe elastic properties oflayered structured nano-materials 183
T.E. Karakasidis, CA. Charitidis and D. Skarakis
DFT study of interactions of water on Kaolinte and Goethite surfaces 191
D. Tunega
Nanolayered MAX phases from ab initio calculations 199
R Ahuja
Section IV: Crack Models and Solutions 205
Fracture initiation at re-entrant corners: experiments and finite fracture mechanics predictions 207
A. Carpinteri, P. Cornetti, N. Pugno, A. Sapora and D. Taylor
Buckling analysis of cracked columns subjected to lateral loads 217
L. Nobile
Micro-cavity effect on the plastic zone size ahead ofthe crack tip in confmed plasticity 229
M. El Meguenni, B. Bachir Bouiadjra, M. Benguediab, A. Ziadi, M. Nait-Abdelaziz and F. ZaYri
Effect of microcrack on plastic zone size ahead of main crack in small-scale plasticity 237
B. Bachir Bouiadjra, M. Benguediab, M. El Meguenni, M. Belhouari, B. Serier and M. Nail-Abdelaziz
Stress intensity factor ofsurface and interface cracks in coating/substrate system 245
Y. Bao, G. Chai, X. Lou and W. Hao
T-stress by stress difference method (SDM) 253
M. Hadj Meliani, H. Moustabchir and Z. Azari
Elasto-inelastic self-consistent model of ellipsoidal inclusion 261
M. Radi and A. Abdul-Latif
Crack propagation in solid oxide fuel cells 271
N. Joulaee, A. Makradi, S. Ahzi and M.A. Khaleel
Elastoplastic solution for an eccentric crack loaded by two pairs of point tensile forces 279
X. Zhou and H. Yang
J-integral and CMOD for cracked cylinders 289
M. Kiric
Oscillating contact of isotropic elastic half-spaces 297
H.Y. Yu
Section V: Nanomateria1s 305
Mechanical properties of thin pulsed laser deposited amorphous carbons and amorphous carbon/silver nanocomposites 307
C.A. Charitidis, P. Patsalas, F. Chouliaras, C. Kosmidis and G.A. Evangelakis
Extension of the Hertz model for accounting to surface tension in nanoindentation tests of soft materials 315
C. Fond, o. Noel and M. Brogly
Multi-scale modeling of tensile behavior of carbon nanotube-reinforced composites 323
K.I. Tserpes, P. Papanikos, G.N. Labeas and S. G. Pantelakis
Mechanical, thermal and electronic properties of nanoscale materials 331
K. Masuda-Jindo, V. Van Hung and M. Menon
SWNT reinforced Ni-Cu nanocomposites 341
B. Lim, B. Kim, B. Sung, J. Choi, u. Shim, S. Oh, C. Kim and S. Baik
Section VI: Electronic and Composite Materials 349
A general piezoelctric interface model: coordinate-free asymptotic derivation and application to the homogenization of piezoelectric composites 351
S.-T. Gu, Q.-C. He and V. Pensee
Effect of non-homogeneous strain on the band structure of semi-conductors due to the end friction under compression tests 359
X.X. Wei and K.T. Chau
Composite based polypropylene 369
D. Pessey, N. Bahlouli, S. Ahzi and J.M. Hiver
Deformation of reinforcement on size effects in metal/metal composite 375
S. Ataya, M. Korthauer and E. El-Magd
Deformation behavior of coal as a composite material and its impacts on permeability in coalbed gas reservoir 385
G.X. Wang, Z.T. Wang, V. Rudolph and P. Massarotto
Characterization of a multi-cracked composite material using ESPI and phase shifting 395
L. Farge, Z. Ayadi, J. Varna and M. Nivoit
Section VII: Brittle Fracture 403
Mechanism of cleavage fracture ofHSLA steels and TiAI alloys 405
C. Jianhong
Strength of brittle materials based on mixture of two Weibull distributions 415
L. Guerra Rosa and 1. Figueiredo
Assessment of brittle failure processes in polyolefins 429
J.P. Dear and N.S. Mason
Computational modelling of damage in glass loaded with a spherical indenter 439
J. Ismail, F. ZaYri, M. Nait-Abdelaziz and Z. Azari
Section VIII: Failure, Creep and Fracture 451
New approach to predicting crack path and instability 453
D.A. Zacharopoulos
A fracture analysis of short glass fibre reinforced SGFR-PA66 461
B. Mouhmid, A. Imad and N. Benseddiq
Elastic and plastic creep mechanism in thin metal films using FEM method 473
Y.-X. Zheng, L.-S. Niu, T.-T. Dai et H.-J. Shi
A new fracture criterion under multiaxial monotonic loading for rubbers 481
A. Hamdi, M. Nait-Abdelaziz and N. Att-Hocine
Section IX: Thermal, Mechanical and Environmental Effects 489
Simulation of chemo-mechanical degradations of undergroung concrete structures 491
E. Stora, B. Bary, Q.-c. He, E. Deville and P. Montarnal
The geometry influence on integrity thresholds for a cracked cylinder 501
M. Kiric and A. Sedmak
Progressive fracture oflaminated fiber-reinforced composite stiffened plate under thenno-mechanicalloads 509
P.K. Gotsis, c.c. Chamis, K. David, D. Xie and F. Abdi
Thermal residual streses related to the sintering process of metal matrix diamond tools 519
P.M. Amaral, C. Anjinho, B. Li, L. Reis, M. de Freias and L. Guerra Rosa
Mechanical and chemical effects of solvent swelling on butyl rubber 527
C. Nohile, P.l. Dolez and T. Vu-Khanh
Section X: Processing and Fabrication 535
Microstructure-based formability characterisation of multi phase steels using damage mechanics 537
V. Uthaisangsuk, U. Prahl and W. Bleck
Advanced materials and processes at the nano/micro scale in covering materials of greenhouses for energy savings 545
C.A. Charitidis, S. Pantelakis, V. Bontozoglou, L. Kontonasios, A. Kavga and P. Charitidis
Effect of PPS matrix evolution during processing of carbon fiber reinforced PPS on the mechanical behaviour of the composite material 553
C.V. Katsiropoulos, P. Lefebure and S.G. Pantelakis
Coupling of hydration and fracture models: failure mechanisms in hydrating cement particle systems 563
L. Tan, G. Ye, E. Schlangen and K. van Breugel
Micro-strain measurement in copper sheets by X-rays diffraction 573
N. Hfaiedh, M. Francois, A. Baczmanski and K. Saanouni
Steady plastic flow of a polymer during ECAE process: experiments and modelling 581
F. Zaui, B. Aour, M. Nait-Abdelaziz, 1. M. Gloaguen and 1.M. Lefebvre
Microscopic transformations explain the modification of the mechanical properties of TRIP steels after galvanization 593
EJ. Petit, 1. Sriti, M. Gilles, 1. Gilgert and Z. Azari
Section XI: Fatigue and Crack Growth 603
Fatigue performance of2139 aluminium alloy laser beam welds following exposure to salt spray environmnent 605
S.G. Pantelakis, AT. Kermanidis, G.A. Papadimitriou, G.N. Haidemenopoulos and A.D. Zervaki
A comparison of the fatigue behaviour ofFSW and MIG weldments of two aluminium alloys 613
P.M.G.P. Moreira, R.A.M. da Silva, M.A.V. de Figueiredo, F.M.F. de Oliveira and P.M.S.T. de Castro
Useful life prediction of rubber materials for refrigerator component 623
C.S. Woo and H.S. Park
Damage by cyclic loading of composite dental materials 631
L. Smata, S. Bouzid and Z. Azari
High temperature oxidation and fatigue ofP122 alloy 641
S.Y. Bae, H. G. Kang, D.B. Lee, C.W. Kim and B.S. Lim
Fatigue crack growth rate under constant amplitude loading and under tensile overloads in sheet and plate 2024 aluminium alloy 649
A.T. Kermanidis, V.K. Spiliadis and S.G. Pantelakis
Residual fatigue damage on the fracture toughness properties 657
P. Cadenas, X. Decoopman, A. Amrouche and G. Mesmacque
Role of stress gradient in fatigue emanating from notch roots using volumetric method 665
G. Pluvinage
Section XII: Vibration, Ultrasonic and Impact 679
Lateral vibration of a cracked free-free beam 681
T.G. Chondros
Ultrasonic impact related to toughness of cast aluminium alloy 691
E.S. Statnikov and V.N. Vityazev
Physics and mechanics of ultrasonic impact 701
Application of ultrasound to accelerate fatigue 711
E.S. Statnikov and V.Y. Korostel
A comparative study of the fatigue resistance of aluminide coatings on P91 steel substrate under cyclic impact loading 721
C. David, K. Anthymidis and D.N. Tsipas
Dynamic behavior ofTiNi cantilever beams with phase transformation 729
Z. Tang, J. Lu, X. Zhang
Section XIII: Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics 739
Magnetic field on stress intensification in soft ferromagnetic materials 741
Y. Shindo, I. Shindo and F. Narita
Pattern formation in the Taylor-Dean flow 749
A. Ait Aider, S. Skali, J.P. Brancher and A. Chahine
Flow field and heat transfer in chaotic-advector fins 761
Q. Dong, K. Wang, S. Kong and Y. Wang
Heat conduction properties of PTFE/graphite-based composites 769
M. Liu, Q. Dong, X. Gu and A. Sun
Section XIV: Micromechanical Damage and Effects 777
A "morphological" approach for modelling the anisotropic damage behaviour of highly-filled particulate composites 779
C. Nadot, S. Dartois, D. Halm, A. Dragon and A. Fanget
Determination ofthe macroscopic plastic yield behaviour of micro cracked materials 789
V. Monchiet, E. Charkaluk and D. Kondo
A non-local anisotropic micromechanics based damage model applied to concrete 797
Q. Zhu and I-F. Shao
Mechanical and hydraulic effective properties of an anisotropic fractured medium 805
J-F. Barthelemy
Index of authors 813
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