The challenges we face in mathematics education today can only be overcome through thoughtful and collaborative effort. This 2017 volume of Annual Perspectives in Mathematics Education (APME) focuses on collaborative initiatives that engage every level of the math education community, including practicing and preservice teachers, school administrators, teacher educators, and university mathematicians. The book's twenty-four chapters are grouped into five sections:
Enhancing Mathematics Teaching from the Teacher's Voice
Enhancing Mathematics Teaching within Schools and Districts
Models and Frameworks for Enhancing Mathematics Teaching
Enhancing Mathematics Teaching across Multiple Stakeholders
Enhancing Preservice Mathematics Teachers' Development
These chapters describe a wide variety of collaborative initiatives, including professional learning communities, teacher teams, peer collaborations, and lesson study groups. Throughout the volume, we meet teachers who are actively engaged with peers, coaches, and university partners in designing and directing their own professional growth. The initiatives described here provide teachers with the sustainable tools they need to reflect on and improve their practice. The result is teachers who are more empowered and better able to deliver high-quality instruction to students at all levels.
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