First published in 1881, as part of the Pitt Press Series, this book presents a guide to classical philosophy aimed at undergraduates and those studying the works of Cicero, Plato or Aristotle. All quotations are in the original Greek and Latin. This book will be of value to anyone with an interest in the history of philosophy and perspectives on classical thought.
- Preface
- Part I. Pre-Socratic Philosophy of Nature: 1. Ionic school. One ever-changing self-developed universe (dynamical physicism)
- 2. Italic school. One unchanging self-existent universe (transcendental physicism)
- 3. Ionico-Italic school. Changing universe formed out of a plurality of unchanging elements (mechanical physicism)
- Part II. Socrates to Aristotle: Philosophy of Nature and Man: 4. Sophists
- 5. BC 470-399, Socrates
- 6. Cynics
- 7. Cyrenaics
- 8. BC 428-347, Plato
- 9. BC 385-322, Aristotle
- Part III. Post-Aristotelian Philosophy of Man: Characteristics of the Later Philosophy: 10. Peripatetics
- 11. Sceptics
- 12. Academy old
- 13. Academy sceptical (by Cicero called 'new')
- 14. Stoicism
- 15. Epicureanism
- 16. Eclecticism
- 17. BC 106-43, Cicero
- 18. Concluding reflexions.
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