This book contains texts by the Nobel laureate Paul J. Crutzen who is best known for his research on ozone depletion. It comprises Crutzen's autobiography, several pictures documenting important stages of his life, and his most important scientific publications. The Dutch atmospheric chemist is one of the world's most cited scientists in geosciences. His political engagement makes him a tireless ambassador for environmental issues such as climate change. He popularized the term 'Anthropocene' for the current geological era acknowledging the enduring influence of humankind on planet Earth. This concept conceives humans to be a geologic factor, influencing the evolution of our globe and the living beings populating it. The selection of texts is representing Paul Crutzens scientific oeuvre as his research interests span from ozone depletion to the climatic impacts of biomass burning, the consequences of a worldwide atomic war - the Nuclear Winter - to geoengineering and the Anthropocene.
The Background of an Ozone Researcher: A Brief
Autobiography.- Complete Bibliography of the Writings of Paul J. Crutzen (1965-2014).- The
Influence of
Nitrogen Oxides on Atmospheric Ozone Content.- Biomass Burning as a Source of
Atmospheric Gases CO2, H2, N2O, NO, CH3Cl
and COS.- The Atmosphere after a Nuclear War:
Twilight at Noon.- Nitric-acid
Cloud Formation in the Cold Antarctic Stratosphere - A Major Cause for the
Springtime Ozone Hole.- Biomass Burning in the Tropics: Impact on Atmospheric Chemistry and
Biogeochemical Cycles.- A Mechanism for Halogen Release from Sea-salt
Aerosol in the Remote Marine Boundary Layer.
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