Heritage language (HL) learning and teaching presents particularly difficult challenges. Melding cutting-edge research with innovations in teaching practice, the contributors in this volume provide practical knowledge and tools that introduce new solutions informed by linguistic, sociolinguistic, and educational research on heritage learners. Scholars address new perspectives and orientations on designing HL programs, assessing progress and proficiency, transferring research knowledge into classroom practice, and the essential question of how to define a heritage learner. Articles offer analysis and answers on multiple languages, and the result is a unique and essential text-the only comprehensive guide for heritage language learning based on the latest theory and research with suggestions for the classroom.
ForewordAna Roca Introduction: Heritage language education in the United States Marta Fairclough & Sara BeaudriePart I. Foundations in Heritage Language Teaching: Essential Notions in Curricula, Teacher, and Program Development1. Towards a Prototype Model of the Heritage Language Learner: Understanding Strengths and Needs Eve Zykik2. Goals and Beyond in Heritage Language Education: From Competencies to Capabilities Glenn Martinez3. Sociolinguistics for Heritage Language Educators and Students: A Model for Critical Translingual Competence Jennifer Leeman and Ellen J. Serafini4. Building a Heritage Language Program: Guidelines for a Collaborative ApproachSara M. Beaudrie5. Teacher Development in Heritage Language Education Manel Lacorte Part II. Strategies, Techniques, and Approaches in Heritage Language Teaching6. Supporting Heritage Language Learners through Macrobased Teaching: Foundational Principles and Implementation Strategies for Heritage Language and Mixed Classes Maria Carreira 7. Incorporating Additional Varieties to the Linguistic Repertoires of Heritage Language Learners: A Multidialectal ModelMarta Fairclough8. Critical Approaches to Heritage Language Instruction: How to Foster Students' Critical ConsciousnessMaria Luisa Parra9. Designing Meaning in Inherited Languages: A 'Multiliteracies' Approach to HL Instruction Malena Samaniego and Chantelle Warner10. Heritage Language Learner Assessment: Towards Proficiency Standards Gabriela Nik. Ilieva & Beth Clark-Gareca11. Technology-Enhanced Heritage Language Instruction: Best Tools and Best Practices Florencia Henshaw Afterword: Curricularizing Language: Implications for Heritage Language InstructionGuadalupe Valdes List of ContributorsIndex
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