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The challenges presented by feminism to traditional understandings of representation, normative values, power relations and the political are not simply the product of late-20th century thinking. Feminist Moments, in examining some of the pivotal texts in the history of feminist thought, demonstrates that these challenges emerge from a long and varied history of feminist writing.
The volume brings together texts from literary and analytical works written by women and men, and from inside and outside the Western tradition, including Mary Wortley Montagu, Anna Wheeler and William Thompson, Nazira Zeineddine, Betty Friedan, Andrea Dworkin and Luisa Valenzuela. The volume is unique in offering close readings of key passages from the selected texts, making it ideal for classroom use; its original essays, all authored by specialists, will also be of interest to more advanced scholars.
In juxtaposing and analysing a wide range of texts which despite their significance are rarely discussed together, Feminist Moments provides a fascinating historical narrative of feminist thought which will be highly valuable to students and scholars of the history of political thought, political philosophy and gender and literary studies.
Series Editors' Preface
1. A Feminist-Historical Citadel: Christine de Pizan's Book of the City of Ladies
by Nadia Margolis
2. Anne Bradstreet and the seventeenth-century articulation of 'the female voice'
by Susan Bruce
3. Mary Astell's Critique of Marriage
by Patricia Springborg.
4. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu and the Women's Coffee House
by Vicki Spencer
5. Justice and Gender in Revolution: Olympe de Gouges Speaks for Women
by Joseph Zizek
6. Radical Spirituality and Reason in Mary Wollstonecraft's Vindication of the Rights of Woman
by Kari Lokke
7. Giving Voice to Feminist Political Theory: The Radical Discourse of Anna Wheeler and William Thompson
By Jim Jose
8. 'Supposed to be very calm generally': Anger, Narrative and Unaccountable Sounds in Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre
by Alexandra Lewis
9. 'Something Akin to Freedom': Harriet Jacobs and the Feminist Tradition
by Susan Hays Bussey
10. On the Enslavement of Women's Minds: John Stuart Mill's The Subjection of Women
by Katherine Smits
11. German Maternalist Socialism: Clara Zetkin and the 1896 Social Democratic Party Congress
by Catherine Dollard
12. 'How Turn of the Century Feminism Finds Charlotte Perkins Gilman's "The Yellow Wallpaper"'
by Shirley Samuels
13. Ecology and Virtue in Roquia Sakhawat Hussain's Sultana's Dream
by Maitrayee Chaudhuri
14. Nazira Zeineddine: Pioneer of Islamic Feminism
by Miriam Cooke
15. Virginia Woolf, genre-bending, and feminist life-writing: A Room of One's Own
by Amber Regis
16. "Your sister in the 'gator and the 'gator in your sister": Judgment in Zora Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God
by Glenda R. Carpio
17. 'One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman'. The Sex-Gender Distinction and Simone de Beauvoir's Account of Woman: The Second Sex
by Celine Leboeuf
18. Betty Friedan's Feminist Critique of Suburban Domesticity
by Rebecca Jo Plant
19. 'Writing as Re-Vision.' Female Creative Agency in the Poetry of Adrienne Rich: Diving into the Wreck
by Claire Hurley
20. Complicity and Resistance: Andrea Dworkin's Intercourse
by Helen Pringle
21. Before Her Eyes: On Luisa Valenzuela's Bedside Manners (Realidad nacional desde la cama)
By Valeria Wagner
Postscript: Feminist Revisions of Political Thought
Suggestions for Further Reading
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