This is the first collection by influential feminist theorists to focus on the heart of traditional epistemology, dealing with such issues as the nature of knowledge and objectivity from a gender perspective.
- Chapter 1 Introduction: When Feminisms Intersect Epistemology, Linda Alcoff, Elizabeth Potter
- Chapter 2 Taking Subjectivity into Account, Lorraine Code
- Chapter 3 Rethinking Standpoint Epistemology: What Is "Strong Objectivity"?, Sandra Harding
- Chapter 4 Marginality and Epistemic Privilege, Bat-Ami Bar On
- Chapter 5 Subjects, Power, and Knowledge: Description and Prescription in Feminist Philosophies of Science, Helen E. Longino
- Chapter 6 Epistemological Communities, Lynn Hankinson Nelson
- Chapter 7 Gender and Epistemic Negotiation, Elizabeth Potter
- Chapter 8 Bodies and Knowledges: Feminism and the Crisis of Reason, Elizabeth Grosz
- Chapter 9 Are "Old Wives' Tales" Justified?, Vrinda Dalmiya, Linda Alcoff
- Chapter 10 Feminism and Objective Interests: The Role of Transformation Experiences in Rational Deliberation, Susan E. Babbitt
- Chapter 11 Knower/Doers and Their Moral Problems, Kathryn Pyne Addelson
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