Doctoral dissertations, abstracts and references
(University of Iowa studies, no. 425-426,
University of Iowa Press, 1953-1954
State University of Iowa Doctoral dissertations, abstracts and references
v. 5377.5:I-61:50100057665,
V. 5-7: 1942 through 1948, v. 8-7: 1949 through 1952, v. 10: 1952 and earlier miscellaneous abstracts and citations
"Comtents and index for volumes V, VI and VII may be found in volume V."
"Comtents and index for volumes VIII, and IX may be found in volume VIII."
V. 5: p. 1-356, v. 6: p. 357-706, v. 7: p. 707-1120, v. 8: p. 1-380, v. 9: p. 381-806
State University of Iowa