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T. 1 ISBN 9780674737419
Prasun (Wasi) is the most aberrant of the Nuristani languages, part of the Indo-Iranian branch of Indo-European languages. It is spoken in the Prasun Valley of the Pech River in northeast Afghanistan. Prasun is a non-literary, unwritten language, and it varies from village to village. Materialien zur Prasun-Sprache des Afghanischen Hindukusch is the fruit of many years of work by Georg Buddruss, assisted in the last few years by Almuth Degener. The texts, in prose and a few songs, were collected by Buddruss in 1956 and 1970. Included are all the texts collected, along with a German translation, a glossary, lists of numbers, place and personal names, and the Prasun calendar system. The volume also includes a brief Introduction in English. A second volume to come will contain an extensive grammar.
Apart from its linguistic value, the present book is also very important as it includes many "Kafiri" myths, still known in 1956, from the time before the forced Islamization in 1895. The ancient pagan religion has survived only in the texts and in some customs described in this book.
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T. 2 ISBN 9780674980372
Prasun (Wasi, Paruni) has long had a reputation for being the most aberrant of the Nuristani group of Indo-European languages. Only after the publication of a considerable number of Prasun texts in 2016 as volume 80 in this series has it been possible to analyze the language based on the solid foundation of a large text corpus. Georg Buddruss collected the source texts in the Prasun Valley in 1956 and 1970. That edition comprises texts in several dialectal varieties of Prasun.
The present volume is the outcome of extensive work on this text corpus. It is the first comprehensive grammar of Prasun as well as the most detailed description of any Nuristani language yet published. Among the topics addressed in this volume are: morphology, verbal categories, subordination, relative clauses, mirativity, verbal particles, and the complicated system of directional morphemes. This grammatical analysis is amply supported by quotations from the text volume. This book is a major contribution to studies of Nuristani and other languages of the Hindukush-Karakoram region.
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