心眼で観る時空 : 中野嘉之作品集1984-2016≪日本画・水墨画≫
中野嘉之著 ; 本多隆彦編集
ギャラリーステーション, 2016.6
Space-time to see in the mind's eye : a collection of paintings by Yoshiyuki Nakano Japanese-style paintings and ink paintings
Publication in commemoration of the retir[e]ment from Tama Art University
Publication in commemoration of the retirement from Tama Art University
Publication in commemoration of the retirment from Tama Art University
シンガン デ ミル ジクウ : ナカノ ヨシユキ サクヒンシュウ 1984-2016≪ニホンガ・スイボクガ≫