In recent years the bioarchaeology of Southeast Asia and the Pacific islands has seen enormous progress. This new and exciting research is synthesised, contextualised and expanded upon in The Routledge Handbook of Bioarchaeology in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands.
The volume is divided into two broad sections, one dealing with mainland and island Southeast Asia, and a second section dealing with the Pacific islands. A multi-scalar approach is employed to the bio-social dimensions of Southeast Asia and the Pacific islands with contributions alternating between region and/or site specific scales of operation to the individual or personal scale. The more personal level of osteobiographies enriches the understanding of the lived experience in past communities.
Including a number of contributions from sub-disciplinary approaches tangential to bioarchaeology the book provides a broad theoretical and methodological approach. Providing new information on the globally relevant topics of farming, population mobility, subsistence and health, no other volume provides such a range of coverage on these important themes.
Chapter 1
Bioarchaeology in Southeast Asia and the Pacific
HR Buckley and MF Oxenham
Chapter 2
The Population History of Mainland and Island Southeast Asia
MF Oxenham and HR Buckley
Chapter 3
Human cultural, technological and adaptive changes from the end of the Pleistocene to the mid-Holocene in Southeast Asia
PJ Piper
Chapter 4
Prehistoric Mortuary Traditions in Cambodia
D O'Reilly and L Shewan
Chapter 5
Frail, foreign or favoured? A contextualized case study from Bronze Age northeast Thailand
K Domett, J Newton, A Colbert, N Chang, S. Halcrow
Chapter 6
Reflections on life and times in Neolithic Vietnam: One person's story
L Tilley and MF Oxenham
Chapter 7
Investigating Activity and Mobility Patterns during the mid-Holocene in northern Vietnam
D Huffer and MF Oxenham
Chapter 8
Reconstructing diet at An Son and Hoa Diem: implications for understanding southeast Asian subsistence patterns
A Willis and MF Oxenham
Chapter 9
Infant and child health and disease with agricultural intensification in mainland Southeast Asia
SE Halcrow, N Tayles and CL King
Chapter 10
To Follow in Their Footsteps: An Examination of the Burial Identity of the Elderly from Non Nok Tha
KW Ross and MF Oxenham
Chapter 11
Age-at-death estimation in a sample of prehistoric Southeast Asian adolescents and adults
N Tayles and S Halcrow
Chapter 12
Cremation in Mainland Southeast Asia: An Overview
S.M Ward and N Tayles
Chapter 13
Social Affiliation, Settlement Pattern Histories and Subsistence Change in Neolithic Borneo
L Lloyd-Smith, J Krigbaum and B Valentine
Chapter 14
Field anthropology in Southeast Asia and the Pacific: initial steps toward a regional overview and the Pain Haka case study
N J Harris, H Buckley, SE Halcrow, R Kinaston, A Foster, J-C Galipaud and T Simanjantuk
Chapter 15
Dealing with Death in Late Neolithic to Metal Period Nagsabaran, the Philippines
MF Oxenham, A Willis, H-c Hung, R Page, H Matsumura
Chapter 16
Implications of pathological changes in cremated human remains from Palawan, Philippines, for Island Southeast Asian archaeology
M Lara, H Lewis, V Paz, W Ronquillo
Chapter 17
Bioarchaeology in the Pacific Islands: A temporal and geographical examination of nutritional and infectious disease
H Buckley and MF Oxenham
Chapter 18
Human biology and population histories in the Pacific - Is there such thing as a Lapita People?
E A Matisoo-Smith
Chapter 19
Socio-environmental adaption to the montane rainforests of New Guinea
T Denham
Chapter 20
Is there a 'Lapita diet'? A comparison of Lapita and post-Lapita skeletal samples from four Pacific island archaeological sites
RL Kinaston, SB Bedford, M Spriggs, D Anson, and H Buckley
Chapter 21
Dogs and People in Southeast Asia and the Pacific
K Greig, R Walter and L Matisoo-Smith
Chapter 22
Scratching Out a Living: Chickens in Ancient Pacific Economies
AA Storey
Chapter 23
Adapting to Palau
GC Nelson, JH Stone, SM. Fitzpatrick
Chapter 24
Under the Latte: Osteobiography and Social Context of a Burial Assemblage at Tumon Bay, Guam
A LW Stodder, EM Ryan, RL Hunter-Anderson, MT Douglas , R Ikehara-Quebral
Chapter 25
Diet and subsistence in Remote Oceania: an analysis using oral indicators of diet
C Stantis, N Tayles, RL Kinaston, C Cameron, PD Nunn, MP. Richards and HR Buckley
Chapter 26
Dental Calculus and Plant Diet in Oceania
M Tromp, JV Dudgeon, HR Buckley, E Matisoo-Smith
Chapter 27
What archaeologists want human biologists to tell them, about Teouma for example
M Spriggs
Chapter 28
The Ancestors Speak: Koiwi tangata, matauranga Maori and the development of biological anthropology in New Zealand
K Ruckstuhl, N Tayles, H Buckley, R Bradley, R Fyfe and M Ellison
Chapter 29
meta-themes in the bioarchaeology of the Asia pacific region
MF Oxenham and HR Buckley
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