Ten two-headed trouts from 32 mm. To 203 mm. long : the record size / by E.W. Gudger
Congenital transposition of the viscera : post-mortem report / L.S. Kau
The chick : the metabolic gradients of vertebrate embryos, III / Libbie H. Hyman
硬骨魚類の胚形成機構 / 市川衛[著]
Duplicate twins and double monsters / by Harris Hawthorne Wilder
Lecciones de Teratología / Issac Ochoterena
Las cactáceas entre los antiguos mexicanos / por Helia Bravo
Contribución al conocimiento de las algas verdes de los lagos del Valle de México / por Amelia Samano Bishop
鮭稚魚の畸形 / 半田芳男[著]
An instance of pancreatic bladder in the cat / M. Dresbach
A case of arrested development of pancreas and intestine / Nathan B. Eddy
自然環境に於て過剰肢を生じた4例の蛙 / 根岸浩[著]
A description of a six-legged dog / John Shelton Horsley, Jr
Chick embryos and ultraviolet radiation : Modification of development on the basis of differential susceptibility to radiation, 4 / Marie Agnes Hinrichs
Partial and complete duplicity in Chick embryos / George W. Tannreuther
徳川末期に於ける重複畸形(頭胸結合體)の記載 / 緒方富雄[著]
Note on anadidymous larvae of Diemictylus pyrrhogaster (Boie) / Junji Oyama
ヰモリの幼生に現はれた雙頭畸形の一例 / 丹羽彌[著]
劍状突起腹部癒着複體畸形兒 (Xiphoabdominopagus)の一例 / 石井義男[著]
A double-headed larva of Hynobius naevius (Schlegel) / by Junji Oyama
A probable case of superfetation in the cow / Mary T. Harman
The free-martin effect in experimantal parabiotic twins of triturus torosus / E. Witschi and H. M. McCurdy
An exception to Bateson's rule of second ary symmetry / A.B. Dawson
The histology of a testis from a case of human hermaphroditism, with a consideration of the significance of hermaphroditism in relation to the question of sex differentiation / H.E. Jordan
Missbildung und Variationslehre / von Ernst Schwalbe
いしおぱーぐすニ就テ / 志多半三郎[著]
Note on the "Pelvic wing" in poultry / William A. Lippincott
無腦兒Anencephalieニ就テ / 内田長平[著]
A four-winged wild-duck / by Charles Eugene Johnson
On supernumerary teeth in man and other mammals / by Raymond C. Osburn
Bifurcation in the embryos of tubifex / Paul S. Welch
A note on the twin larva of the salamander / by Sabro Saito
A study of a 7mm. human embryo : with special reference to its peculiar spirally twisted form, and its large aortic cell-clusters / H.E. Jordan
Identical twins in pigeons arise from ova of markedly aberrant size / by Oscar Riddle