This book combines an overview of validity theory, trends in validation practices and a review of standards and guidelines in several international jurisdictions with research synthesis of the validity evidence in different research areas. An overview of theory is both useful and timely, in view of the increased use of tests and measures for decision-making, ranking and policy purposes in large-scale testing, assessment and social indicators and quality of life research. Research synthesis is needed to help us assemble, critically appraise and integrate the overwhelming volume of research on validity in different contexts. Rather than examining whether any given measure is "valid", the focus is on a critical appraisal of the kinds of validity evidence reported in the published research literature. The five sources of validity evidence discussed are: content-related, response processes, internal structure, associations with other variables and consequences. The 15 syntheses included here, represent a broad sampling of psychosocial, health, medical and educational research settings, giving us an extensive evidential basis to build upon earlier studies. The book concludes with a meta-synthesis of the 15 syntheses and a discussion of the current thinking of validation practices by leading experts in the field.
Section I: Opening Section.- 1 Setting the Stage for and Purposes of Validity and Validation in Social, Behavioral, and Health Sciences - Bruno D. Zumbo & Eric K. H. Chan.- 2 Review of Testing and Test Review Standards and Guidelines In Several International Jurisdictions - Eric K. H. Chan.- SECTION II: Quality of Life, Wellbeing, and Life Satisfaction.- 3 Reporting of Measurement Validity in Articles Published in Social Indicators Research: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal for Quality-of-Life Measurement - Bruno D. Zumbo, Eric K. H. Chan, Michelle Y. Chen, Wen Zhang, Ira Darmawanti, & Olievia P. Mulyana.- 4 A Research Synthesis of Validation Practices Used to Evaluate the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) - Mary L. Chinni & Anita M. Hubley.- 5 Validation Practices in Counseling: Major Journals, Mattering Instruments, and the Kuder Occupational Interest Survey (KOIS) - Eric K. H. Chan, David W. Munro, Alexander H. S. Huang, Bruno D. Zumbo, Roya Vojdanijahromi, & Neelam Ark.- SECTION III: Psychology and Education.- 6 What Counts as Evidence? An Empirical Review of Validity Studies in Educational and Psychological Measurement - Benjamin R. Shear & Bruno D. Zumbo.- 7 Validity evidence presented in the Journal of Educational Psychology across two temporal periods - Rebecca J. Collie & Bruno D. Zumbo.- 8 A review of validity evidence presented in the Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology (2002-2012): Misconceptions and recommendations for validation research - Katie E. Gunnell, Benjamin J. I. Schellenberg, Philip M. Wilson, Peter R. E. Crocker, Diane E. Mack, & Bruno D. Zumbo.- 9 The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS): A Review of the Reported Validity Evidence - Hillary L. McBride, Rachel M. Wiens, Marvin J. McDonald, Daniel W. Cox, & Eric K. H. Chan.- 10 Validity theory and validity evidence for scores derived from the Behavioural Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire - Katie E. Gunnell, Philip M. Wilson, Bruno D. Zumbo, Peter R. E. Crocker, Diane E. Mack, & Benjamin J. I. Schellenberg.-11 Synthesis of Validation Practices in Two Assessment Journals: Psychological Assessment and the European Journal of Psychological Assessment Anita M. Hubley, Sophie Ma Zhu, Ayumi Sasaki, & Anne M. Gadermann.- SECTION IV: Health and Medicine.- 12 Reporting of Measurement Validity in Articles Published in Quality of Life Research - Eric K. H. Chan, Bruno D. Zumbo, Michelle Y. Chen, and Wen Zhang, Ira Darmawanti & Olievia, P. Mulyana.- 13 Validity Evidence for a Perceived Social Support Measure in a Population Health Context - Daniel W. Cox & Jess J. Owen.- 14 Medical Outcomes Study Short Form-36 (SF-36) and the World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQoL) Assessment: Reporting of Psychometric Validity Evidence - Eric K. H. Chan, Bruno D. Zumbo, Wen Zhang, and Michelle Y. Chen, Ira Darmawanti & Olievia, P. Mulyana.- 15 Reporting of Validity Evidence in the Field of Health Care: A Focus on Papers Published in Value in Health - Eric K. H. Chan, and Bruno D. Zumbo, Ira Darmawanti, & Olievia, P. Mulyana.- 16 Validation Practices of the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) - Tavinder K. Ark, Neelam Ark, & Bruno D. Zumbo.- 17 (Mis)Alignment of Medical Education Validation Research with Contemporary Validity Theory: The Mini-CEX as an Example - Debra Sandilands & Bruno D. Zumbo.- SECTION V: Conclusions.- 18 Validation Practices in the Social, Behavioral, and Health Sciences: A Synthesis of Syntheses - Juliette Lyons-Thomas, Yan Liu, & Bruno D. Zumbo.- 19 Reflections on Validation Practices in the Social, Behavioral, and Health Sciences - Bruno D. Zumbo & Eric K.H. Chan.
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