Manual on the use of timber in coastal and river engineering
Bibliographic Information
Manual on the use of timber in coastal and river engineering
Matt Crossman, Jonathan Simm
Thomas Telford, 2004
Available at / 1 libraries
" HR Wallingford"
"This report also constitutes the joint Defra/Environment Agency Flood & Coastal Erosion Risk Management Research & Development Programme publication W5A-069"--T.p. verso
"The manual was prepared by HR Wallingford and published on behalf of the Department of Trade and Industry and the Environment Agency"--P. v
"References": p. 221-227
Includes bibliographical references (p. 229-232) and index
Description and Table of Contents
This informative manual has been designed to provide guidance on the principal issues surrounding the use of timber in coastal and river engineering.
For centuries timber has traditionally been used for the construction of a wide range of coastal and river structures including: groynes, jetties, lock gates, navigation aids and riverbank protection. It is an attractive choice of construction material because it is renewable, is easy to use, repair and recycle, has a high strength/weight ratio and is visually appealing.
Table of Contents
Overview of the use of timber in coastal and river engineering
The natural characteristics of wood - a brief introduction style
Properties of processed timber
Responsible procurement of timber
Design process
Design and construction issues
Structure specificguidance
Monitoring and assessment of timber structures
Maintenance, repair and enhancement of timber structures guidance structures
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