POLITICAL THEORY WITHOUT BORDERS Political theory has traditionally focused on governance within the confines of a specific polity, but with the recent proliferation of environmental realities and national decisions that have global repercussions, political theory must now be re-imagined to confront globalization head-on. Political Theory Without Borders presents a collection scholarship that does just that. Each chapter focuses on answering specific questions that have arisen from issues of global spillover - like climate change and pollution - and the increasingly unrestricted flow of people, products, and financial capital across borders. With contributions from emerging scholars alongside key texts from some of the most well-known theorists of previous generations, this collection illustrates how the classic concerns of political theory - justice and equality, liberty and oppression - have re-emerged with a renewed significance at the global level.
Acknowledgments vii
About the Contributors viii
1 Political Theory Without Borders: An Introduction 1
Robert E. Goodin and James S. Fishkin
PART I Global Spillovers 5
2 To Prevent a World Wasteland: A Proposal 7
George F. Kennan
3 Two Kinds of Climate Justice: Avoiding Harm and Sharing Burdens 18
Simon Caney
4 The Human Right to Water and Common Ownership of the Earth 46
Mathias Risse
PART II Global Flows 75
5 Tax Competition and Global Background Justice 77
Peter Dietsch and Thomas Rixen
6 Sovereign Debt, Human Rights, and Policy Conditionality 107
Christian Barry
7 Justice in the Diffusion of Innovation 133
Allen Buchanan, Tony Cole and Robert O. Keohane
8 From Migration in Geographic Space to Migration in Biographic Time: Views From Europe 162
Claus Offe
9 On Citizenship, States, and Markets 206
Ayelet Shachar and Ran Hirschl
PART III Global Interventions 235
10 Colonialism as Structural Injustice: Historical Responsibility and Contemporary Redress 237
Catherine Lu
11 The Judging of Nations: Some Comments on the Assessment of Regimes in the New States 260
Clifford Geertz
12 From Humanitarian Intervention to the Responsibility to Protect 275
Gareth Evans
13 The Misuse of Power, Not Bad Representation: Why It Is Beside the Point that No One Elected Oxfam 293
Jennifer C. Rubenstein
Index 322
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