

[出版者不明], [19--]





重複して合冊されている論文2編あり(吉田肉腫腫瘍細胞の核学的特異性と移植第一世代における行動, Daily observations on the mitotic frequency and the variation of the chromosome number in tumor cells of the Yoshida sarcoma through a transplant generation)


  • Die Frage der erblichen Disposition zum Krebs : Ergebnis einer Forschung durch 20 Jahre an einer auslesefreien Zwillingsserie / Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer und Ernst Kober. Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse
  • 臟器素因ノ數學的考察 : 人類ニ於ケル遺傳ノ研究, 1 腫瘍ノ遺傳 (第4編) / 二上重義, 毛利專吉[著]
  • 遺傳的臟器素因ニ就イテ : 人類ニ於ケル遺傳ノ研究, 1 腫瘍ノ遺傳 (第3編) / 毛利專吉, 二上重義[著]
  • 主トシテ罹癌率ニ依ル遺傳性ノ考察 : 人類ニ於ケル遺傳ノ研究, 1 腫瘍ノ遺傳 (第2編) / 二上重義, 毛利專吉[著]
  • 遺傳負荷率ニ依ル考察 : 人類ニ於ケル遺傳ノ研究, 1 腫瘍ノ遺傳 (第1編) / 二上重義, 毛利專吉[著]
  • Über Genetik und Mutationsrate des Retinoblastoms (Glioma retinae), benst einigen allgemeinen Bemerkungen über die Methoden zur Mutationsratenschätzung beim Menschen / von Friedrich Vogel
  • Cytologische Untersuchungen an Tumoren : VIII. Mitteilung. Beobachtungen über den Mitoseablauf in lebenden Tumorzellen der Aseitessarkome der Ratten / von Sajiro Makino und Hiroshi Nakahara
  • 弘前系腹水肉腫の染色体 / 加納恭子[著]
  • シロネズミ腹水肉腫における細胞分裂の生体的觀察 / 中原皓[著]
  • 腫瘍ネズミにおける生殖細胞の異常分裂について / 加納恭子[著]
  • A study of the chromosomes in Yoshida sarcoma cells transplanted into mice / Hirosi Nakahara
  • A cytological study of the Yoshida Sarcoma, an ascites tumor of white rats / Sajiro Makino
  • Partial damage in tumor cells by podophyllin , followed by temporary regression and prolongation of life of tumor-bearing rats : the cytological effect of Chemicals on Ascites Sarcomas, I / Sajiro Makino and Tatsuya Tanaka
  • Characteristic chromosome individuality in tumor strain-cells in ascites tumors of rats : cytological studies of tumors, IX / Sajiro Makino and Kyoko Kanô
  • Results of gonadectomy and gonadal transplantation in the sex races of Lymantria dispar / by Sajiro Makino and Kazuo Saito
  • Further observations on the living tumor cells with a new hanging-drop method : cytological studies of tumors, X / Sajiro Makino and Hiroshi Nakahara
  • Selective damage to tumor cells by CaCl2, AlCl3 and H2O2 : the cytological effects of Chemicals on Ascites Sarcomas, II / Sajiro Makino and Tatsuya Tanaka
  • Notes of biochemical research foundation / Ellice McDonald
  • 滝沢ヒノン癌の核学的研究 / 吉田俊秀[著]
  • 異種移植における吉田肉腫の細胞学的研究 / 吉田俊秀[著]
  • 吉田肉腫細胞の分裂に及ぼすコルヒチン及びマスタードの影響 / 吉田俊秀[著]
  • 癌の細胞学 / 牧野佐二郎[著]
  • Further studies in the role of irritation in cancer / by Sigismund Peller
  • The cycle of tumor cells in a transplant generation of Yoshida sarcoma / by Sajiro Makino
  • 吉田肉腫腫瘍細胞の核学的特異性と移植第一世代における行動 : 癌の細胞学的研究の一部 / 牧野佐二郎[著]
  • 吉田肉腫の染色体と移植第一世代間における腫瘍細胞の行動 : 癌の細胞學的研究 / 牧野佐二郎[著]
  • On the heredity of malignant tumors : a preliminary communication / Gunnar Dahlberg
  • The mortality rate of cancer yesterday and today / by Gunnar Dahlberg
  • Late menopause and cancer of the breast / Fritz Blank
  • Linkage between pulmonart tumors and vestigial tail in the house mouse / [W.E. Heston]
  • Inheritance and human cancer / Madge Thurlow Macklin
  • The bearing of mouse genetics on our understanding of human cancer / W.E. Heston
  • Induction of pulmonary tumors in guinea pigs by intravenous injection of methylcholanthrene and dibenzanthracene / W.E. Heston and Margaret K. Deringer
  • Analysis of dose-response in relation to mechanism of pulmonary tumor induction in mice / W.E. Heston and M.A. Schneiderman
  • Test for a maternal influence in the development of mammary gland tumors in agent-free strain C3Hb mice / W.E. Heston and Margaret K. Deringer
  • Recent advances in medical genetics / Laurence H. Snyder
  • Genetic aspects of the cancer problem : preliminary report on a survey of constitution as reated to cancer / Fritz Blank
  • The characteristics and individuality of chromosomes in tumor cells of the Yoshida sarcoma which contribute to the growth of the tumor : cytological studies on cancer, III / Sajiro Makino
  • Daily observations on the mitotic frequency and the variation of the chromosome number in tumor cells of the Yoshida sarcoma through a transplant generation : cytological studies on cancer, II / by Sajiro Makino and Kyoko Kanô
  • Morphological and statistical observations on the abnormal mitosis in tumor cells of the Yoshida sarcoma through a transplant generation : cytological studies on cancer, I / by Sajiro Makino and Tosihide H. Yosida
  • General characters of the MTK-sarcomas, new ascites tumors of rats produced by the administration of azo dye : cytological studies on cancer, IV / by Tatsuya Tanaka and Kyoko Kanô
  • 武田肉腫細胞の核型 / 吉田俊秀[著]
  • Spontaneous tumors occurring in inbred mice, with notes on the establishment of two new strains of transplantable tumor : cytological studies on cancer, VI / by Tosihide H. Yosida
  • Some observations on the chromosomes in the the Yoshida sarcoma cells based on the homoplastic and heteroplastic transplantations / Sajiro Makino
  • マウスにおける瀧澤ヒノン癌細胞の核學的特異性 / 吉田俊秀[著]
  • Tetraploid chromosome constitution characteristic of the tumor cells of the Takeda sarcoma / Tosihide H. Yosida
  • Karyology of tumor cells / report by Tosihide H. Yosida
  • Cytology of some insects / report by Tosihide H. Yosida
  • Segregation of high mammary cancer strain of mice = 乳癌好発性マウスの分離 / Yasuyuki Akamatu, Yoshihiko Tsubura
  • 癌とビールス : ビトナー・ビールスの本態と乳癌の發生 / 螺良義彦[著]
  • Heteroplastic transplantations of the the Yoshida sarcoma, with special regard to the behaviour of tumor cells : cytological studies on cancer, V / Tosihide H. Yosida
  • 吉田肉腫腫瘍細胞の染色体數について / 加納恭子[著]
  • Chromosome features in the regenerating rat liver following partial extirpation / by Sajiro Makino and Tatsuya Tanaka
  • シロネズミの新腹水肉腫(MTK-肉腫 III)の一般性 : 予報 / 梅谷実[著]
  • 皮下に移植したネズミの腹水肉腫, MTK-肉腫 IIの染色体調査 / 外村晶[著]
  • MTK肉腫Iの細胞内顆粒の細胞學的研究 : 予報 / 岡田正[著]
  • Different cytological responses of malignant cells to podophyllotoxin in viro / Sajiro Makino and Ivor Cornman
  • Anomalous divisions of the grasshopper germ-cells induced by the treatment with α- or β- Peltatin : studies in abnomal nuclear division, 8 / by Eizi Momma
  • Mitotic features of monocytes occurring in the peritoneal fluid of rats / by Kyoko Kanô
  • Cell division in the ascites hepatoma of rats studied by phase microscopy : cytological studies of tumors, XII/ by Tatsuya Tanaka
  • Observations of the multipolar division in tumor cells of ascites tumor of rats by phase microscopy : cytological studies of trumors, XI / by Hiroshi Nakahara
  • マウスの癌細胞におけるV字形染色体 / 吉田俊秀[著]
  • 癌の遺伝 : 遺伝子分析を中心として / 吉田俊秀[著]
  • 四倍性細胞癌の核学的研究 = Karyological study on the tetraploid tumors in the rat and thempuse / 吉田俊秀[著]
  • 弘前系腹水肉腫の染色体 (2) : 特に種族細胞の細胞型に関する = Further study on the chromosomes of the Hirosaki sarcoma, with special regard to several types in the strain cells pf this tumor / 加納恭子, 牧野佐二郎[著]
  • Results of exposure of strain C3H mice to chloroform / Margaret K. Deringer, Thelma B. Dunn, and W.E. Heston
  • Pulmonary tumors in strain A mice exposed to mustard gas / W.E. Heston
  • Occurrence of tumors in agent-free strain C3Hf male mice implanted with estrogen-cholesterol pellets / W.E. Heston and Margaret K. Deringer
  • Occurrence of pulmonary tumors in mice of strain A, BL, and SWR and their F1 hybrids following intravenous injection of 1, 2, 5, 6-dibenzanthracene / Margaret K. Deringer and W.E. Heston
  • Occurrence of tumors in mice injected subcutaneously with sulfur mustard and nitrogen musterd / W.E. Heston
  • Occurrence of pulmonary tumors in strain A mice following total-body X-radiation and injection of nitrogen mustard / W.E. Heston, Egon Lorenz, and Margaret K. Deringer
  • Spontaneous and induced tumors on strain ST mice / Margaret K. Deringer, W.E. Heston, and Morris K. Barrett
  • エールリツヒ腹水癌(マウス)の核學的研究 / 吉田俊秀[著]
  • Genetics of retinoblastoma / Harold F. Falls and James V. Neel
  • The value of Accurate statistics in the study of cancer / Madge Thurlow Macklin
  • Heredity in cancer, and its value as an aid in early diagnosis / by Madge Thurlow Macklin
  • Sex incidence of entodermal tumors / Madge Thurlow Macklin
  • Is the increase of cancer real or apparent? : a study based on the statistics of Canada / Madge Thurlow Macklin
  • The hereditary factor in human neoplasms / by Madge Thurlow Macklin
  • A study of relatives of stomach cancer patients / by A.E. Levin and B.A. Kuchur


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