Developments in the science and technology of composite materials : ECCM3 : third European Conference on Composite Materials, 20-23 March 1989, Bordeaux-France

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Developments in the science and technology of composite materials : ECCM3 : third European Conference on Composite Materials, 20-23 March 1989, Bordeaux-France

editors, A.R. Bunsell, P. Lamicq, A. Massiah

Springer Science+Business Media, [20--?], c1989

  • : softcover

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At head of title: EACM, European Association for Composite Materials

Includes bibliographical references and indexes

"Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1989"--T.p. verso

Description and Table of Contents


Dr A.R. BUNSELL President de l'Association Europeenne des Materiaux Composites Apres Ie succes des deux precedentes editions, Ie troisieme Congres Europeen sur les Materiaux Composites, ECCM-3, s'annonce de tres haut niveau. La premiere reunion s'est tenue a BORDEAUX en septembre1985 tandis que la seconde, jumelee avec Ie sixieme Congres International sur les Materiaux Composites, ICCM-6 eut lieu a LONDRES en juillet 1987. Ces deux reunions ont clairement montre I'importance de la recherche sur les materiaux composites en Europe. Elles ont pu rassembler les chercheurs venus de toute l'Europe et du monde entier. Ce troisieme congres nous ramene a BORDEAUX et souligne I'interet porte aux materiaux composites a BORDEAUX et en Aquitaine, haut lieu d'application des technologies de pointe. La creation a BORDEAUX de l'Association Europeenne des Materiaux Composites, A.E.M.C., a ete Ie fait a la fois d'une volonte politique et d'une prise de conscience locales ainsi que de la presence d'un tissu industriel favorable au developpement de celie activite. Le travail assidu du comite scientifique, compose de specialistes europeens, grace a qui les sujets traites et les articles sont varies et de haut niveau, nous assure de la qualite du compte rendu de ECCM-3 qui comptera desormais parmi les ouvrages de reference. Plus notable encore, est Ie fait que ECCM-3 contribue a la construction d'une grande communaute internationale des composites, composee de chercheurs venus du monde entier.

Table of Contents

Sommaire Table of Contents.- Polymeres/Polymers.- "Mecanismes et cinetiques de reticulation de systemes thermo-durcissables en presence de renfort - relations structures proprietes thermiques".- "Modified bismaleimides for carbon fibre composites".- "Enhanced bonding of fiber reinforcements to thermoset resins".- "Influence of the thickening agents and some external parameters to the formulation on the viscosimetric kinetics of the pre-impregnated polyester".- Fibres:.- "The modulus of alumina fibres containing mesopores dependence of orientation distribution".- "Statistical mechanical breakdown of single fibres and microcomposites using video microphotographie techniques".- "The strength of tungsten-cored silicon-carbide fibres and the influence of a polymer matrix".- Matrices Ceramiques/Ceramic Matr.- "Fibre reinforced alumina ceramic composites by sol-gel processing".- "Silicon carbo-nitride ceramic matrix composites by polymer pyrolysis".- "Composites a matrice ceramique, nouveaux materiaux a tres hautes performances".- "Interface characterization in ceramic matrix composites fabricated using FCVI techniques" NC.- "Resistance to crack growth in fibre reinforced cement: effect of fibre properties".- "Thermo-mechanical characterization of ceramic composites made of a las glass-ceramic matrix reinforced with silicon carbide (nicalon) fibers".- "Interface characterization by transmission electron microscopy and Auger electron spectroscopy in tough SiC fiber (nicalon)-SiC matrix composite with a boron nitride interphase".- Matrices Metalliques/Metal Matrix:.- "Cast fibre reinforced aluminium alloy microstructures".- "The influence of thermal cycling on the properties of Si3n4 whisker reinforced aluminium alloy composites".- "Fracture of Al-SiCw metal matrix composites".- "Physicochemical aspects of the K2ZrF6 process allowing the spontaneous infiltration of SiC (or C) preforms by liquid aluminium".- "Mechanisms for mechanical property enhancement of fibre reinforced metals using a hybrid technique".- "Powder metallurgical production of whisker reinforced magnesium".- "Vibratory orientation of short reinforcing fibers in metal matrix composites".- "Titanium matrix composites reinforced by C.V.D. filaments: a review of their thermo-mechanical capabilities".- "A comparative study of the mechanical behaviour of zinc reinforced by stainless steel filaments manufactured via two different processes".- "Creep rupture of 1100 series Al/SiC particulate MMC'S".- "Microstructural stability of fibrous composites based on magnesium-lithium alloys".- "Microstructural development and mechanical behaviour of SiC whisker-reinforced Mg-Li alloys".- "Particle reinforced magnesium alloys".- "Heat-treatment effects in ? - alumina fibre reinforced aluminium alloy 6061".- "Hot working behavior of discontinuous SiC/Al composites obtained by rheocasting".- Interfaces:.- "Etude de l'interface fibre-elasiomere dans les composites a monofilament".- "Greffage electrochimique de fonctions aminees en surface de fibres de carbone: effet sur la tenacite d'un composite carbone-epoxy".- "Etude des proprietes de surface de fibres aramides par chromatographic gazeuse inverse: effet de divers traitements" NC.- "Elaboration en continu d'un depot mince de carbure refractaire en surface des fibres de carbone: caracterisation de la fibre C/SiC".- "Sputter deposition of diffusion barrier coatings on SiC monofilaments for use in Ti-bascd composites".- "Sims analysis of SiC coated and uncoated nicalon fibers".- "The effect of surface treatment on the interfacial strength of corrosion resistant glass fibres in a vinylester resin".- "Effects of matrix microstructure changes after annealing on fracture properties of polypropylene/glass fibres injection molded composites".- "Compatibilite chimique entre le magnesium et les fibres de carbone".- Conception et Calcul/Design and Analysis:.- "Etude de la fissuration d'un materiau composite verre-epoxyde unidirectionnel sollicite en traction".- "Design and analysis of orthotropic composite materials through a mixed mode cohesive crack simulation".- "Contact behaviours of laminated composite thin shells and a rigid ball".- "Design and analysis of statically and dynamically loaded composite sandwich panels" NC.- "Large deflection initial failure of laminated rectangular plates".- "Post-buckling of flat stiffened graphite/epoxy panels under cyclic compression".- "Finite element analysis of composite panel flutter".- "Optimising the geometry of energy absorbing composite tubes with particular reference to rail vehicle application".- "Stresses in the joint of an end fitting to a composite torque tube".- "Strength and response of composite plates containing an open hole and subjected to compressive loading".- "Design analysis of web-core composite sandwich panels" NC.- "Integrally woven sandwich-structures".- Elaboration/Processing:.- "A model for pressure bag technology" NC.- "The development and application of the multi live-feed moulding process for the production of injection mouldings containing laminated and other specific fibre orientation distributions".- "Fabrication of fiber reinforced ceramic composites".- "Processing parameters influence on the morphology and mechanical properties of sheet moulding compounds".- "The manufacture of ultra-lightweight large diameter composite pistons".- "Design of domes by use of the filament winding technique".- Comportements Mecaniques/Mechanical Properties:.- "Statistical inference about stress concentrations in fibre-matrix composites".- "A standard for interlaminar fracture testing of composites".- "Impulse and random tests for the modal parameters evaluation for a CFR panel".- "Effet des conditions d'elaboration sur le comportement mecanique, statique et dynamique de materiaux composites hautes performances a matrice thermoplastique semicristalline".- "Mechanical strength properties for anisotropic composites".- "High performance composites made of solid thermoplastic powder impregnated fiber bundles".- "Effect of fibre volume fraction on tensile fatigue behaviour of UD glass/epoxy composite".- "Matrix selection for GRP fatigue loaded structures".- Fissuration/Crack:.- "Influence of the fibre-matrix interface on the matrix crack development in carbon-epoxy cross-ply laminates".- "Analysis of thick laminates using effective moduli".- "Microfractography of carbon fibre-reinforced bismaleimides".- "Porosity in advanced composite materials: its evaluation and effects on performances".- "Matrix cracking in cross plied thermosetting and thermoplastic composites during monotonic tensile loading".- Endommagement et Fatigue/Damage and Fatigue:.- "Damage development in carbon fibre reinforced composite laminates under compressive static and fatigue loading".- "Damage tolerance of carbon fibre reinforced plastic sandwich panels".- "Static and fatigue fracture of composites in complex state of stress".- "Damage development in CFRP and its detection".- "Stiffness changes during fatigue of angle-ply glass/polyester of high quality under very large number of cycles".- "3D-fabrics for composite sandwich structures".- Fluage/Creep:.- "Non linear viscoelasticity applied for the study of durability of polymer matrix composites".- "Comportement au fluage de stratifies polyester/verre E destines a des applications navales".- Vieillissement/Ageing:.- "Thermal fatigue of carbon fibre/bismaleimide matrix composites".- "The influence of temperature and moisture on cross-ply cracking in CFRP in terms of matrix fracture strain and interface strength".- "Artificial ageing of fibre reinforced composite materials - three stage method".- "Aspects of the thermal degradation of PMR-15 based composites".- "The hygromechanical degradation of aramid-epoxy composites".- "Fatigue behaviour of GFRP: some considerations about interfaces".- "Systematic fretting wear and fretting fatigue studies on carbon fibre/epoxy laminates".- "Influence of moisture on the compression behaviour of composites".- "Moisture diffusion into two-phase matrix resins for fibre composites".- "Influence du vieillissement sur le comportement au perlage de tubes verre-resine".- "Moisture absorption influence on the mechanical properties of carbon/epoxy composites".- Fracture:.- "The influence of fiber bundle reinforcement on the fracture mechanical behaviour of polycarbonate and epoxy".- "Prediction of impact behaviour concerning CFRP laminates" NC.- "Trigger mechanisms in energy absorbing glasscloth-epoxy tubes".- Hybrides/Hybrids:.- "The effect of agglomeration and the residual stress state on the performance of graded particulate hybrid glass fibre composites".- "Compressive behaviour of unidirectional glass/carbon hybrid laminates".- "Fatigue of hybrid composites".- Modelisation, Singularites/Modeling:.- "An analytical investigation on the thermally induced response of composites in the absence of thermal equilibrium".- "A tentative interpretation of the CFRP mechanical characteristics based upon the fibre/matrix relations at the interface. A case study".- "Endommagement en compression et en traction autour d'un trou d'un materiau composite carbone/epoxy".- "The influence of specimen geometry and test conditions on the tensile and fracture mechanics properties of GRP".- "Semi-empirical modelling of stress rupture data on glass reinforced plastics".- "A model of laminated composite plates assuring the continuity of displacements and transverse shear stresses".- "Free-edge stress singularity computation".- "Evaluation d'un nouvel element fini pour l'analyse statique ou dynamique des plaques composites".- Cisaillement/Shear:.- "An experimental-analytical investigation of intralaminar shear properties of unidirectional CFRP".- "On the end notched flexure (ENF) test for the mode II interlaminar toughness of continous fibre reinforced composites" NC.- "Interlaminar fracture testing of carbon fibre/peek composites. Validity and applications".- Methodes Non Destructives/Non Destructive Techniques:.- "La tomodensitometrie: methode non-destructive efficace d'observation des endommagements dans les materiaux composites" NC.- "Measuring strain in carbon fibre composite laminates using the Raman optomechanical strain gauge".- "Raman optomechanical studies on fibres and composites".- "Developpement de methodes de controle par emission acoustique des structures composites".- "Cure characteristic determination using microelectronic dielectric sensors".- "The use of laser moire interferometry in the study of deformation fields in composites and adhesives".- "NDE of thick GFRP composites through ultrasonic waveform detection".- Choc/Impact:.- "Inertial effects in twin skinned GRP laminates subjected to impact loading in a three point bend configuration".- "The effect of crystallinity on the impact properties of advanced thermoplastic composites".- Communication parvenue hors delai/late paper:.- "Endommagement de structures tubulaires composites sous sollicitations dynamiques".

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  • Pages/Volumes
    836 p.
  • Size
    23 cm
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