Social scientists are unprepared for many of the ethical problems that arise in their research, and for criticisms of their ethics that seem to ignore such cherished scientific values as objectivity and freedom of inquiry. Yet, they possess method ological talent and insight into human nature that can be used to understand and resolve these problems. The contributors to this book demonstrate that criticism of the ethics of social research can stimulate constructive development of meth odology. Both volumes of The Ethics of Social Research were written for and by social scientists to show how ethical dilemmas arise in the day-to-day conduct of social research and how they can be resolved. The topics discussed in this book include ethical problems that arise in experiments and sample surveys; the companion volume deals with the ethical issues involved in fieldwork and in the regulation and publication of research. With candor and humor, many of the contributors describe lessons they have learned about themselves, their methods, and their research participants. Collectively, they illustrate that both humanists and detenninists are likely to encounter ethical dilemmas in their research, albeit different ones, and that a blending of detenninistic and humanistic approaches may be needed to solve these dilemmas. The aim of this book is to assist irwestigators in preparing to meet some of the ethical problems that await the unwary. It offers perspectives, values, and guidelines for anticipating problems and devising solutions.
1. Ethical Dilemmas in Social Research.- Ethical Dilemmas in Social Research.- The Purpose of the Book.- What Does It Mean to Solve Ethical Dilemmas in Social Research?.- How Ethical Problems Arise in Social Science Research.- What Values Should Guide the Resolution of Ethical Dilemmas?.- Some Broader Value Issues in Social Science.- Summary.- I. Experimental Social Research and Respect for the Individual.- 2. Alternatives to Deception: Why, What, and How?.- A Taxonomy of Deception.- The Need for Alternative Methods.- Requirements of Alternative Methods.- Alternative Methods.- Conclusion.- 3. Random Assignment of Clients in Social Experimentation.- Random Assignment.- Random Assignment in Evaluation Research.- Value Premises of the True Experimental Design.- Primary Ethical Issues.- Conclusion.- 4. Creating Ethical Relationships in Organizational Research.- Research in Organizations: Some Ethical Questions.- Roles and Organizational Research.- Role Ambiguity in Organization Research.- Role Conflicts in Organization Research.- Ethical Norms in Organization Research.- Defining and Clarifying Roles and Resolving Role Conflicts: A Case Example.- Looking Ahead.- 5. Vulnerable Populations: Case Studies in Crowding Research.- Recent Concern for Ethics of Research and the Usefulness of Case Examples.- Recent Concern for Research on Crowding and Its Effects on Human Behavior.- Laboratory Research on the Effects of Crowding.- Generalizations Made from Research on Nonvulnerable Participants.- Harm to Research Participants.- Vulnerable Participants: A Case Study.- Ethnic Minority Groups in a Natural Setting: Research in Chinatown: A Case Study.- Procedures for Participant Welfare.- Conclusion.- 6. Old People Are Not All Alike: Social Class, Ethnicity/Race, and Sex Are Bases for Important Differences.- The Role of Ethnicity/Race, Social Class and Sex in the Research Literature on Aging: A Study of the Journal of Gerontology.- Sex, Socioeconomic Class, and Ethnicity/Race Are Not Variations on a Theme, but Are the Themes Themselves.- Why the Social Context of Aging Has Been Ignored: A Historical View of Underlying Assumptions.- Evolving a More Equitable View of Aging.- Summary.- II. Survey Research and Protection of Privacy and Confidentiality.- 7. What Subjects of Survey Research Believe about Confidentiality.- Background and Need for Research on Privacy and Confidentiality.- Concepts of Privacy and Confidentiality for Census Surveys.- Current Research.- Concluding Remarks.- 8. Sampling Strategies and the Threat to Privacy.- A Case in Point.- General Ethical Issues Involved in Sample Selection.- Summary.- 9. What To Do Before and After a Subpoena of Data Arrives.- The Legal Flaw.- The Known Subpoena Incidents.- What To Do Before The Subpoena Arrives.- General Legal Issues.- Federal Statutes.- State Statutes.- Constitutional Protection.- Summary and Overview.- 10. Statistical Strategies for Preserving Privacy in Direct Inquiry.- Cross-Sectional Research.- Longitudinal Research.- Research Using Multiple Data Sources.- Experimental Studies.- Recent Research and Development: Randomized Response.- Author Index.
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