Incorporating currencies, payment methods, and protocols that computers use to talk to each other, digital currencies are poised to grow in use and importance. The Handbook of Digital Currency gives readers a way to learn about subjects outside their specialties and provides authoritative background and tools for those whose primary source of information is journal articles. Taking a cross-country perspective, its comprehensive view of the field includes history, technicality, IT, finance, economics, legal, tax and regulatory environment. For those who come from different backgrounds with different questions in mind, The Handbook of Digital Currency is an essential starting point.
1 Bitcoin System and Alternative Cryptocurrencies
1. Introduction to Bitcoin Lam Pak Nian, David Lee Kuo Chuen
2. Is Bitcoin a Real Currency? An Economic Appraisal David Yermack
3. Bitcoin Mining Technology Nirupama Devi Bhaskar, David Lee Kuo Chuen
4. National Crypto Currencies Andras Kristof
5. Evaluating the Potential of Alternative Cryptocurrencies Bobby Ong, TM Lee, Guo Li, David Lee Kuo Chuen
2 E-Payment and Security
6. The Effect of Payment Reversibility on E-commerce and Postal Quality Christian Jaag, Christian Bach
7. Blockchain and Digital Payments: An Institutionalist Analysis of Cryptocurrencies Georgios Papadopoulos
8. Counterfeiting in Cryptocurrency: An Emerging Problem Ralph McKinney, Dale Shao, Lawrence Shao, Duane Rosenlieb
3 Big Data, Network Effect and Capital Flow
9. Emergence, Growth and Sustainability of Bitcoin: The Network Economics Perspective Ernie G. S. Teo
10.Cryptocurrencies as Distributed Community Experiments Matthias Tarasiewicz, Andrew Newman
11.Extracting Market Implied Bitcoin's Risk Free Interest Rate Nicolas Wesner
12.A Microeconomic Analysis of Bitcoins and Illegal Activities Tetsuya Saito PART II: FINANCE MARKETS AND BITCOIN
4 Regulation, Taxation and Anti Money Laundering Measures
13. Legal Issues in Cryptocurrency Vrajlal Sapovadia
14. How to Tax Bitcoin? Aleksandra Bal
15. Crypto- and Virtual Currencies: Corruption, and Money Laundering / Terrorism Financing Risks? Raymond Choo
16. A Light Touch of Regulation for Virtual Currencies Lam Pak Nian, David Lee Kuo Chuen
17. Real Regulation of Virtual Currencies Richard B. Levin, Aaron O'Brien, Madiha Zuberi
18. A Facilitative Model for Crypto-currency Regulation in Singapore
- Jonathan Lim 5 Financial Innovation and Internet of Money
19. Advancing Egalitarianism Gavin Wood, Aeron Buchanan
20. How Digital Currencies Will Cascade Up to a Global Stable Currency Gideon Samid
21.Bitcoin-Like Protocols and Innovation Ignacio Mas, David Lee Kuo Chuen
22. Blockchain Electronic Vote Pierre Noizat
23.Translating Commons-Based Peer Production Values into Metrics: Towards Commons-Based Crypto-Currencies Primavera De Filippi
24. The Confluence of Bitcoin and the Global Sharing Economy Alyse Killeen
25.What Does Cryptocurrency Mean for the New Economy? Dave Birch
26. Bitcoin: A Look at the Past and the Future Anton Cruysheer
6 Investments and Crowdfunding
27. Bitcoin IPO, ETF and Crowdfunding Lam Pak Nian, Nirupama Devi Bhaskar, David Lee Kuo Chuen
28. Bitcoin Exchanges Nirupama Devi Bhaskar, David Lee Kuo Chuen
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