The contributions of this volume discuss the legacy of Emmanuel Levinas' philosophy. Examining critically the limits of his thinking, they also bear witness to its influence on contemporary philosophy, thus demonstrating the significance of his groundbreaking project of establishing ethics as first philosophy. In four parts, "First Philosophy, Phenomenology, and Ethics," "Phenomenology and its Theological Turn?," "Ethics and Aesthetics," "Phenomenology, Hermeneutics, Deconstruction," the major themes in Levinas' oeuvre are addressed, such as alterity, human dignity, religion, and communication.
Contributors: Thomas Baumeister, Andris Breitling, Roger Burggraeve, Arthur Cools, Sylvie Courtine-Denamy, Eddo Evink, Matthias Flatscher, Gert-Jan van der Heiden, Alwin Letzkus, Burkhard Liebsch, Michel Lisse, Stefano Micali, Marcel Poorthuis, Renee van Riessen, Johan Taels, Laszlo Tengelyi, Rudi Visker, Jacques de Visscher, Elisabeth Weber.
The Contributors
Editors' Preface
Part One: First Philosophy, Phenomenology, and Ethics
Levinas' defence of intellectualism: an undecidable ambiguity?, Arthur Cools
Singularity without identity in Levinas, Laszlo Tengelyi
The inhuman core of human dignity. Levinas and beyond, Rudi Visker
The human person: vulnerability and responsiveness. Reflections on human dignity, religio and the other's voice, Burkhard Liebsch
The deformalization of time, Stefano Micali
Schlaflosigkeit, Elisabeth Weber
Part Two: Phenomenology and its Theological Turn?
Twisting ways. Emmanuel Levinas on how not to talk about God, Roger Burggraeve
Metaphysics in phenomenology. Levinas and the 'Theological Turn', Eddo Evink
The holy text and violence. Levinas and fundamentalism, Marcel Poorthuis
Identity: gaining it by losing it? The notion of kenosis, Renee D.N. van Riessen
Part Three: Ethics and Aesthetics
Antlitz und Portrat. UEberlegungen zu Kunst und Ethik im Denken von Emmanuel Levinas, Thomas Baumeister
A l'ecoute de l'invisible, Sylvie Courtine-Denamy
Abstraction et expression dans les arts plastiques, Jacques de Visscher
Part Four: Phenomenology, Hermeneutics, Deconstruction,
Zur responsiven Dimension der Sprache und ihren Implikationen auf das menschliche Selbstverstandnis. UEberlegungen zum Verhaltnis zwischen Heidegger und Levinas, Matthias Flatscher
The risk and promise of communication. Levinas and Ricoeur on language, responsibility, and recognition, Andris Breitling
The contaminated wound: Derrida on the language of Levinas, Gert-Jan van der Heiden
"Auf das Unerwartete gefasst sein" - UEber die Grenzen der Geschichte nach Heidegger, Derrida und Levinas, Alwin Letzkus
L'hymen de Levinas, Michel Lisse
Suffering and humour in Soren Kierkegaard and Emmanuel Levinas, Johan Taels
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