The Companion to the Hanseatic League discusses the importance of the Hanseatic League for the social and economic history of pre-modern northern Europe. Established already as early as the twelfth century, the towns that formed the Hanseatic League created an important network of commerce throughout the Baltic and North Sea area. From Russia in the east, to England and France in the west, the cities of the Hanseatic League created a vast northern maritime trade network. The aim of this volume is to present a "state" of the field English-language volume by some of the most respected Hanse scholars.
Contributors are Mike Burkhardt, Ulf Christian Ewert, Rolf Hammel-Kiesow, Donald J. Harreld, Carsten Jahnke, Michael North, Jurgen Sarnowsky and Stephan Selzer.
List of Figures
A Note on Names and Letters
Exceptional History
Research in the Field
Memory and History
1 The Inception of the Turkish Raid, and Its Central Character
The Return of the Moors
Compaen the Pirate
Iceland Ahoy
How Do We Know This?
2 The Course of Events in Iceland
Strategy and Resistance in Southwest Iceland
Attack on the Seat of Government
3 Incursion and Salvation in the East Fjords
Enter the Corsairs
Reign of Terror in Berufjoerdur
South and North of Berufjoerdur
Did the Raiders Go to Eydalir?
The Corsairs' Farewell
Heroes and Guardian Spirits
Folklore and Fact
4 Razzia and Martyrdom in the Westman Islands
Like Lambs to the Slaughter
The Martyrdom of Jon THorsteinsson
Not Many Placenames and Folktales
5 Piracy and Defences
Danish Defences
Icelandic Defences in the Shadow of the Turkish Raid
Lessons of the Turkish Raid
Unarmed Nation
Civil Defence
Military Expenditure
Special Status
What Would Bishop Brynjolfur Have Said?
6 Warfare or Robbery
The Contemporary Analysis of the Turkish Raid
Forms of Maritime Raids
Piracy in the Mediterranean
Maritime Raids to the Northern Seas
Piracy in the Name of the Law
Corsair States
Piracy as a Sector of the Economy and a Pillar of the State
Corsair Licences
Holy War
Legitimate Government
New Principles of Freedom
Emotions and Justice
7 Salvation
Redemption from Slavery
The First Redemption Mission
Individual Deals
The Second Redemption Mission
Danish Emissaries in the Catholic Stronghold
Slave Registers
The Bottom Line
Trials of a Redeemer
Comparison and Aftermath
Jon Vestmann
Anna Jasparsdottir
Murat Reis
8 Cultural Memory
Scribes of Memory
A Tool of National Memory: The Turkish Raid in School Textbooks
9 The Visible Turkish Raid
Works of Art
I Quatri Mori by Pietro Tacca
Adriaen Matham's Drawings
Kross: A Sword Out of the Mouth of Christ
Context and Connections of the Turkish Raid
The Place of the Turkish Raid: Event and Memory
Tracing the Course of Events
Micro and Macro, Past and Present
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