Signs and Symptoms in Family Practice, by Paul M. Paulman, MD et al, provides a unique evidence-based approach to diagnosis based on presenting signs. Focusing on the most common diagnoses observed in a medical practice, the book helps you "think horses, not zebras." A rating system for the sensitivity and specificity of the signs, symptoms, and diagnostic tests aids in the development of a focused and accurate differential diagnosis. This handy, take-along guide is ideal for quick reference while doing rotations or prepping for the boards.
Confidently diagnose and treat common illnesses and conditions using an evidence-based, systematic approach. A unique ratings system indicates how frequently various symptoms and signs are associated with a particular diagnosis.
Easily find what you need with consistently organized chapters and an at-a-glance bulleted format.
"Think horses, not zebras" with a focus on the most frequently encountered diagnoses.
Rule out the most serious possibilities quickly with differential diagnoses listed in descending order of severity.
Review symptoms, signs, suggested work-up, and patient disposition for each diagnosis.
Patients present with symptoms, not diagnoses
1. Abdominal Pain
2. Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding
3. Amenorrhea
4. Anemia
5. Anxiety
6. Arthralgia
7. Back Pain
8. Behavioral Problems in Children
9. Bleeding and Bruising
10. Blood in Stool
11. Breast Masses and Nipple Discharges
12. Chest Pain
13. Child Abuse
14. Confusion
15. Congestion
16. Cough
17. Depression
18. Diarrhea
19. Dizziness
20. Earache
21. Family Discord
22. Fatigue
23. Fever
24. Headache
25. Health Maintenance
26. Heartburn
27. Hypertension
28. Jaundice
29. Lower Extremity Pain and Swelling
30. Lymphadenopathy
31. Menopause
32. Neck Pain
33. Pelvic or Genital Pain
34. Polyuria
35. Rashes
36. Seizures
37. Sexual Dysfunction
38. Shortness of Breath
39. Sleep Disorders
40. Sore Throat
41. Substance Abuse
42. Urinary Problems
43. Vaginal Discharge
44. Generalized Weakness 45. Weight Change
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