@book{ BB18340768, author = "北原, 宗律 and 岡村, 和明 and 小川, 健 and 井寄, 幸平 and 矢野, 貴之 and 小坂, 弘行 and 坂口, 通則 and 児玉, 正憲 and 阪井, 節子 and 高浜, 徹行 and 和田, 涼子 and 阿賀岡, 芳夫", title = "New solutions in legal informatics, economic sciences and mathematics", publisher = "Kyushu University Press", year = "2015", series = "Series of monographs of contemporary social systems solutions", number = "v. 6", URL = "https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BB18340768" }