The essays selected for this volume reflect the many paths followed to develop a new, more robust methodology (idMAPPING) for investigating privacy. Each article deals with the three dimensions of time, space and place by addressing a number of questions such as: who? Which individual? When? How? Is privacy viewed from the perspective of legal theory, or of information science? Or from the viewpoint of sociology, social psychology, philosophy, information ethics or data protection law? The reader is offered a multi-disciplinary overview of the subject, a mosaic made up of several snapshots taken at different times by different scholars with different points of view. The detailed introduction increases clarity in parts of the picture where the way that the pieces fit together may not be immediately apparent, and concludes by challenging internet-era fallacies. Taken together, the articles demonstrate an innovative approach to evidence-based policy-making, and show privacy scholarship at its best.
- Contents: Introduction. Part I The Time Dimension: Perspectives from History and Anthropology through Philosophy to Religion and Technology Law: Privacy in eighteenth-century Aleppo: the limits of cultural ideals, Abraham Marcus
- An introduction to Stanner's concept of privacy, John Hilary Martin, and Privacy and the Aboriginal people, W.E.H. Stanner
- Privacy: an intercultural perspective, Rafael Capurro
- Japanese conceptions of privacy: an intercultural perspective, Makoto Nakada and Takanori Tamura
- Privacy, technology law and religions across cultures, Joseph A. Cannataci. Part II The Space Dimensions in Privacy Perspectives and Methodologies: from Early Days in Sociology through Social Psychology to the Socio-Legal Approach and the Cognitive Sciences in the Twenty-First Century: The sociology of secrecy and of secret societies, Georg Simmel
- The social psychology of privacy, Barry Schwartz
- Interpersonal relationships and personal space: research review and theoretical model, Eric Sundstrom and Irwin Altman
- Privacy regulation: culturally universal or culturally specific?, Irwin Altman
- The socio-legal context of privacy, Philip Leith
- Guide to measuring privacy concern: review of survey and observational instruments, SAren Preibusch
- Theoretical and practical considerations for online privacy research: CONSENT as a case-study, Noellie Brockdorff, Liberato Camilleri, Marco Montalto, Albert Caruana, Saviour Chircop and Jeanne Pia Mifsud Bonnici. Part III The Cultural Dimension: Conceptualizations of Privacy and Personality around the World: The dao of privacy, Lara A. Ballard
- Conceptualizing privacy, Daniel J. Solove
- 'I've got nothing to hide' and other misunderstandings of privacy, Daniel J. Solove
- Lex personalitatis & technology-driven law, Joseph A. Cannataci
- Data protection in Germany I: the population census decision and the right to informational self-determination, Gerrit Hornung and Christoph Schnabel
- Data protection in Germany II: recent de
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