Participants in Asian financial markets have witnessed the unprecedented growth and sophistication of their investments since the 1997 crisis. Handbook of Asian Finance: REITs, Trading, and Fund Performance analyzes the forces behind these growth rates. Insights into banking, fund performance, and the effects of trading technologies for practitioners to tax evasion, market manipulation, and corporate governance issues are all here, presented by expert scholars. Offering broader and deeper coverage than other handbooks, the Handbook of Asian Finance: REITs, Trading, and Fund Performance explains what is going on in Asia today.
The Evolution of Financial Analysts' Forecasts for Asian REITs and Real Estate Companies. Alain Coen and Aurelie Desfleurs
Home Bias in Asian REITs' Portfolio Investment Strategy. Lucia Gibilaro and Gianluca Mattarocci
Market Structure and Growth Potential of Singapore REITs. Francis Koh, Kok Fai Phoon, David Lee, Ee Seng Seah
Another Look at Asian REITs Performance after the Global Financial Crisis. Alain Coeen, Patrick Lecomte
Bootstrap Analysis for Asian REIT's Portfolios. Juliana Caicedo-Llano and Enareta Kurtbegu
Varying Implicit Prices of Housing Attributes: Testing Tiebout Theory. Seong-Hoon Cho, Roland K. Roberts,Taeyoung Kim, Sae Woon Park, and Heeho Kim
High-Frequency Trading On Asian Exchanges. Michael Syn
The Regulation of High-Frequency Trading: An Asian Perspective. Imad Moosa and Vikash Ramiah
Does the Chart Pattern Work in Asian Markets? Weihong Huang and Wanying Wang
Algorithm Trading in Asian Currency FX Market. Masayuki Susai and Yushi Yoshida
A Relative Valuation Approach for Valuing Equity in Malaysia. Brian S. Sutedja, Noor Azuddin Yakob and Carl B. McGowan Jr.
A Common Measure of Liquidity Costs for ETF and Futures on MSCI Singapore Free Index. Christopher Ting
The Trading Behavior of iShares Listed in Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Gerasimos G. Rompotis
Are Technical Trading Rules Still Profitable in the Asian-Equity Markets? Camillo Lento
Nonparametric Multiple Change Point Analysis of the Response to Asian Markets to the Global Financial Crisis. David E. Allen, Petko S. Kalev, Michael J. McAleer and Abhay K. Singh
News Sentiment and High-Frequency Volatility Dynamics in the Japanese Stock Market. Kin-Yip Ho, Yanlin Shi and Zhaoyong Zhang
Evaluation of Mutual Fund Growth and Performance in Asia. Kym Brown, John Watson, John Vaz and Michael Skully
The Puzzle of the Hedge Fund Alpha with an Application to Asian Funds. Raymond Theoret, Francois-Eric Racicot and Greg Gregoriou
Performance Attribution for Chinese Investment Vehicles: An Application to Open-End Active Mutual Funds. Valerio Poti and Dengli Wang
The Performance Persistence of Socially Responsible Investing Funds in Asia. Hooi Hooi Lean, Russell Smyth and Wei Rong Ang
What Drives the Time-Varying Performance of Japanese Mutual Funds? Kin-yip Ho, Hanlin Shi and Zhaoyong Zhang
Tournament Behaviour in Asian Managed Funds. Vikash Ramiah and Imad Moosa
An Analysis of Asian Mutual Fund Performance. Gamini Premaratne and Jones Mensah
Mean Variance Analysis of Asian Hedge Funds. Zhidong Bai, Yongchang Hui, Kok Fai Phoon and Wing-Keung Wong
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