دیوان غالب, نسخۂ خواجہ : اصل حقائق
تحین فراقی
سورج پبلشنگ بیورو , ملنے کا پتے, ویلکم بک پورٹ, 2001
Dīvān-i G̲h̲ālib, nusk̲h̲ah-yi K̲h̲vājah : aṣl ḥaqāʾiq
Summary: Three findings about a manuscript written by Mirza Asadullah Khan Ghalib, 1797-1869 south Asian poet; published as new in 1998, refuted by author as being the same manuscript introduced in 1954 and alleged stolen from Punjab University Library and now presented as new
Includes bibliographical references