It is widely acknowledged that research is an essential component of the counselling and psychotherapy core curriculum. Therapists and all care practitioners not only need to be able to understand and evaluate research literature, but are also increasingly expected to carry out simple practitioner research to monitor their own practice. With its emphasis on practice-based evidence, this book provides a much-needed, reliable and accessible introduction by two trusted and well-known authors. It builds confidence by not only outlining contemporary methodologies in everyday language, but also by explaining how to approach, understand and evaluate a range of published research. Written for complete beginners in the tried and tested, best-selling style of the other books in the "Steps" series, the book covers first principles through to the development of a simple research project. In simple terms "First Steps in Practitioner Research" provides a 'how to understand and do it' resource for students, tutors and practice supervisors with little or no previous experience.
What is research and why bother? Quantity versus Quality Asking Questions Measuring Things Using Numbers to Describe Things Quantitative Research Methods Approaching Qualitative Research Collecting Stories Understanding Contemporary Psychotherapy Research Methodology Understanding Contemporary Psychotherapy Research Reports Getting Started On Your Own Research - and Telling Other What You Found Doing Research Ethically
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