The contributions of Bernard Weiss to the study of the principles of jurisprudence (usul al-fiqh) are recognized in a series of contributions on Islamic legal theory. These thirteen chapters study a range of Islamic texts and employ contemporary legal, religious, and hermeneutical theory to study the methodology of Islamic law.
Contributors include: Peter Sluglett, Ahmed El Shamsy, Eric Chaumont, A. Kevin Reinhart, Mohammad Fadel, Jonathan Brockopp, Christian Lange, Raquel M. Ukeles, Paul Powers, Robert Gleave, Wolfhart Heinrichs, Joseph Lowry, Rudolph Peters, Frank E. Vogel
Introductory Sections
Peter Sluglett, University of Utah, Department of History: Memories of Bernard Weiss & Bibliography of the Writings of Bernard Weiss
Robert Gleave and A. Kevin Reinhart: The Spirit of Islamic Law. Introduction
Law and Reason
Chapter 1
Ahmed El Shamsy, University of Chicago, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations: The Wisdom of God's Law: Two Theories
Chapter 2
Eric Chaumont, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique: La notion de wajh al-hikmah dans les usul al-fiqh d'Abu Ishaq al-Shirazi (m. 476/1083)
Chapter 3
A. Kevin Reinhart, Dartmouth College, Department of Religion: Ritual Action and Practical Action: The Incomprehensibility of Muslim Devotional Action
Chapter 4
Mohammad Fadel, University of Toronto, Faculty of Law: Istafti qalbaka wa in aftaka al-nasu wa aftuka: The Ethical Obligations of the Muqallid Between Autonomy and Trust
Law and Religion
Chapter 5
Jonathan Brockopp, Pennsylvania State University, Department of History: Sahnun's Mudawwanah and the Piety of the "Shari'ah-minded"
Chapter 6
Christian Lange, University of Utrecht, Department of Religious Studies and Theology: Sins, Expiation and Non-rationality in Hanafi and Shafi'i fiqh
Chapter 7
Raquel M. Ukeles, National Library of Israel, Curator, Islam and Middle East Collection: Jurists' Responses to Popular Devotional Practices in Medieval Islam
Law and Language
Chapter 8
Paul Powers, Lewis & Clark College, Department of Religion: Finding God and Humanity in Language: Islamic Legal Assessments as the Meeting Point of the Divine and Human
Chapter 9
Robert Gleave, University of Exeter, Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies: Literal Meaning and Interpretation in Early Imami Law
Chapter 10
Wolfhart Heinrichs, Harvard University, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations: "Genres" in the Kitab al-Luqtah of Ibn Rushd's Bidayat al-mujtahid wa-nihayat al-muqtasid
Diversity and Authority
Chapter 11
Joseph Lowry, The University of Pennsylvania, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations: Is There Something Postmodern About Usul Al-Fiqh? Ijma', Constraint, and Interpretive Communities
Chapter 12
Rudolph Peters, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Department of Arabic & Islamic Studies: Body and Spirit of Islamic Law: Madhhab Diversity in Ottoman Documents from the Dakhla Oasis, Egypt
Chapter 13
Frank E. Vogel, Harvard University, Islamic Legal Studies Program: Tracing Nuance in Mawardi's al-Ahkam al-Sultaniyyah: Implicit Framing of Constitutional Authority
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