Seeing and reading this sentence may seem like a no brainerubut your perception is just a tiny part of what is happening in your brain and body right now (both are much busier than you might think). SENSATION AND PERCEPTION, International Edition has helped many students like you understand the ties between how we sense the world and how the body interprets these senses. A key strength of this text has always been the ability to illustrate concepts through examples and visuals. Dr. Goldstein walks you through an intriguing journey of the senses, combining clear writing, his extensive classroom experience, and innovative research to create a visual, colorful text. Complemented by nearly 500 illustrations and photographs, this text has also been sharpened to make it more readable than ever, based on feedback from 2,000 student users. The accompanying VIRTUAL LAB media exercises (available on CD-ROM and online) offer a wide array of interactive animations and examples designed to stimulate your understanding of difficult concepts.
1. Introduction to Perception. 2. Introduction to the Physiology of Perception. 3. Introduction to Vision. 4. The Visual Cortex and Beyond. 5. Perceiving Objects and Scenes. 6. Visual Attention. 7. Taking Action. 8. Perceiving Motion. 9. Perceiving Color. 10. Perceiving Depth and Size. 11. Sound, the Auditory System, and Pitch Perception. 12. Sound Localization and the Auditory Scene. 13. Speech Perception. 14. The Cutaneous Senses. 15. The Chemical Senses. 16. Perceptual Development.
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